Lake Group Happy Hour on March 19th

Lake Group Happy Hour
March 19, 5:30-7:30, at Red Rooster Bar & Restaurant in Long Lake

Sponsored by the Freshwater Society and the Watershed Association Initiative.

Connect with other lake groups in the Minnehaha Creek watershed, share success stories, brainstorm around challenges, and talk together about next steps at this casual event. All members of the lake association are invited

Learn more and RSVP here.

Or RSVP to Jen at

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Support Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center – Take Action!


Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates believes that science must drive natural resource decisions. In 2012, as zebra mussels were starting to spread across the state, we worked on a multi-pronged effort of education in the media, legislative solutions, and science.  The MN Legislature, using both Natural Resources Trust Fund dollars and direct appropriations, created the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center that year. Science takes time, but workable solutions are starting to emerge and the early investment is starting to pay off.
“There are reasons to be optimistic… science can make a difference.” Dr. Nick Phelps to the House Environment and Natural Resources Policy Committee. To see his full presentation, CLICK HERE.
During his testimony at the House Environment an Natural Resources Policy Committee, Dr. Phelps referenced new findings, “Hot off the presses.” In reference to a big lake study of the impacts of AIS on fisheries by Dr. Gretchen Hansen, he said, “The impacts of spiny waterflea and zebra mussels are significant. They (walleye/perch) do grow slower in lakes that have zebra mussels or spiny waterflea. Slower growing fish reduces survival in the first year.” Dr. Phelps went on to note that of the nine large lakes studied, Mille Lacs is the only one that has both invasive species. Reliable, ongoing funding that provides scientific independence to the MAISRC has never been provided. Instead they have had to cobble together operating funds from a variety of sources. Said Dr. Phelps, “Baseline funding is important. It is hard to plan longterm efforts when you have to jump grant to grant.” We agree. 

Please take action today to let your elected officials know that you support the work of the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center, and urge them to find a way to provide funding that is; 1) reliable, 2) sufficient to meet core needs, 3) provides independence to MAISRC researchers. Use the TAKE ACTION button at the top of this post to send your legislators an email. Please take a moment to edit the boilerplate language provided and personalize your message. 
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Smart Salting for the Holidays

With the holiday season upon us, you may be preparing for hosting guests. But as you make your preparations, are you factoring in the chance for ice and snow? Dealing with slippery driveways and walkways can damper your holiday fun, so do a little advance planning now so you have less to worry about as your guests arrive. You’ll also be protecting your local lakes and streams in the process!

Salt provides a quick and easy way to melt ice, but did you know that the salt you lay down on your driveway, sidewalk, or steps eventually makes its way into lakes and streams where it hurts fish, birds, and aquatic plants and insects? One teaspoon of salt permanently pollutes five gallons of water because once it’s in the water, it is too costly to remove on a large scale. Additionally, all that salt we are laying down is damaging our lawn and landscaping, corroding cars and infrastructure, and hurting our pets’ paws.

As you prepare for hosting, make sure you have the right tools in your toolbelt for managing snow and ice:

1. Shovel: the proper shovel (or snowblower) can make all the difference! Shoveling regularly will reduce the need for salt. Ergonomic shovels will make the job easier on your back.

2. Sand: Use sand for traction, only if needed, when the temperature drops below 15 degrees F. Salt does not work in temperatures less than 15 degrees.

3. Apply the right product: All salt is not the same. Some, like calcium chloride, work to colder temperatures, but may have other side effects like leaving a slimy residue. Check the label before you purchase so you know what kind of deicer it is and if it will work for your purposes.

4. Use just a little: You don’t need to put down much salt to get ice to melt and applying more doesn’t mean faster melting. Aim for a spread of 3-inches between salt crystals. A 12-oz mug holds about one pound of salt, which is enough for 250 square feet (approximately two parking spaces).

5. Sweep and reuse: Extra salt and sand that is visible on dry pavement can be swept up and reused. This helps keep it out of the storm drain and will save you money in the long run!

6. Hire a certified professional: Smart salting winter maintenance contractors have gone through training to learn proper winter maintenance and salt application. You can find a list of certified professionals on the MPCA website:

So as you are making your lists and checking them twice, be sure to include the tools you’ll need for a safe and enjoyable holiday season, for both your guests and our environment. Learn more about using salt safely at

Thanks to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District for the text of this article.

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Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Dinner Reminder

Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association (LMPA) Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Dinner
Date: Sunday 10/28/18
Time: 4-7pm
Place: Camp Tanadoona, Tanadoona Drive, Chanhassen
The Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association is hosting its Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Dinner. This is a great opportunity to get together with your neighbors and meet new lake neighbors. There will be a chance to socialize and also a short meeting of the LMPA to wrap up the 2018 season and make plans for 2019.

We hope you will join us. This event will take place rain or shine. We will be in the dining hall at Camp Tanadoona.

Hot Dogs will be provided. Please bring something to share and your favorite beverage. The Camp will provide water. There may also be some beer provided by Excelsior Brewing Company.

4-5 PM Socialize
5-5:30 Dinner
5:30-6:30 Annual Meeting
6:30-7 Clean up and wrap up (You should be home in time to watch the Vikings!)

Please RSVP (so we have an idea how many hot dogs we need) to Helen Gunther @ or 612-986-4073

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How the zebra mussels scourge spread across Minnesota –

How the zebra mussels scourge spread across Minnesota –
Tony Kennedy

Summer after summer, Pat Rooney looked out at this revered North Woods lake, hoping the tea-colored waters that lured so many anglers also provided a magical barrier against a creature that might destroy it.

Zebra mussels already were fouling some of the biggest and best known waters in Minnesota, and were spreading throughout neighboring Cass Lake, a popular swimming, boating and fishing lake near Bemidji. While the larvae had appeared in “Lake Winnie,” scuba divers repeatedly failed to find evidence of adult shells – the surest sign of infestation.

Then last August, a fisherman snagged a piece of driftwood encrusted with tiny, tiger-striped clams, and the biological clock began ticking on another Minnesota lake that is home to thousands of residents and visitors alike every year.

“Zebras were our nightmare,’’ said Rooney, owner of Denny’s Resort, a gathering place for walleye anglers since 1932. “Now they are here, and the problem is that you can’t stop it.’’

Zebra mussels are not the only invasive species appearing in Minnesota’s waters, but their rapid spread poses an increasingly dire threat to the state’s $5 billion-a-year summer tourism and fishing economy, as well as the cherished lake experience central to Minnesota’s identity.

In Lake Pepin, so many zebra mussels inhabit the water that waves stir up millions of dead ones, dumping their razor-sharp shells on shore. An estimated 2 trillion zebra mussels occupy Lake Mille Lacs, where walleye fishing was banned at midsummer this year to protect dwindling fish stocks.

Zebra mussels last year debuted in more Minnesota lakes than ever, accelerating an outbreak that hasn’t waned even in the face of mounting control efforts by state and federal agencies. Now zebra mussels graze in half the state’s vaunted Big 10 walleye lakes – a group that has accounted for 40 percent of the statewide walleye harvest.

The thumbnail-sized mollusks spread rapidly, and silently but relentlessly upend the fragile ecology of a lake. They smother and kill native mussels. They strain out and consume tiny, edible material, robbing native fish of a fundamental link in the food chain. They excrete a carpet of waste that fosters the growth of hairy, stinky, toxic mats of algae.

The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute warns that zebra mussels pose a multibillion-dollar threat to North America’s industrial, agricultural and municipal water supplies. The U.S. Department of the Interior estimates yearly damages of $500,000 in the Great Lakes region alone. Federal and state agencies are spending tens of millions of dollars each year in a frantic and so far largely futile effort to kill them or halt their advance.

In Minnesota, the mussels have encroached on at least 275 lakes and rivers, and infiltrate another 20 to 30 new ones each year. Property value gains along some of those lakes are slowing or falling, posing a long-term economic threat to township and county treasuries in greater Minnesota.

“If we don’t get our arms around this thing, we’re going to regret it,” said Jeff Forester, executive director of an association that represents about 6,000 Minnesota lake property owners.

Unwinnable war?

The havoc caused by zebra mussels is not limited to lakeshore property, boat engines, or drinking water supply lines in the Upper Midwest. Mussels are in Wisconsin, California, Texas, Louisiana and at least 20 other states besides Minnesota.

On the shores of Lake Michigan, front-end loaders plow the mussels from impassable beaches. In Montana this summer, Glacier National Park imposed an unprecedented ban against private motorboats to keep zebra mussels away from the headwaters of three continental-scale watersheds. The ban is part of a collaboration just announced among 70 federal, state and tribal authorities targeting zebra mussels with a $9.7 million war chest this year and still more money next year.

In St. Paul, maintenance crews at the regional water utility battle zebra mussels hand to hand. Since 2007, when the intruders invaded Vadnais, Pleasant and Sucker lakes, workers have been forced to scrape them from screens on the utility’s water supply lines as often as twice a week. And once a year, crews crawl half a mile into a large water delivery pipe to do similar work.

“It’s awful and it smells terrible,” said manager Jim Bode.

Removing the shells has added $140,000 a year to the utility’s costs, tying up employees who have fallen behind on other work, Bode said.

In Minnesota, the task of stopping the zebra mussel outbreak falls mainly to the state Department of Natural Resources, which spends $10.5 million annually on combating all aquatic invasive species. The University of Minnesota partners closely with DNR, spending an additional $685,000 on zebra mussel research since January 2016. Counties and lake associations spend millions more every year on the same fight.

DNR officials believe growing public awareness, buttressed with a quartet of zebra mussel-sniffing dogs and stringent boat restrictions and inspections, can slow the spread of the voracious mollusks. They remain hopeful that cutting-edge research on the mussel’s genome could identify a way to eliminate them altogether.

“I would love to eradicate these things,” said Ann Pierce, DNR ecological and water resources section manager. “We are really making some progress.”

Pierce acknowledged that the invasion is “getting more and more complicated as time goes on.” But the fight is far from over, she said. “It’s not the time to lay off.”

Others are less optimistic. State Sen. Bill Ingebrigtsen lives in the Alexandria lakes region on Lake Ida, where zebra mussels are cutting the feet of his grandchildren. As chairman of the Senate’s Environment and Natural Resources Finance Committee, he worries that the war against zebra mussels is no longer winnable.

“Frankly, I’m not sure we are going to stop them,” he said. “They seem to go anywhere they want to go.”

THE PLAN OF ATTACK: In the St. Paul area, maintenance crews battle zebra mussels hand to hand, scraping them from screens on the utility’s water supply lines as often as twice a week. Meanwhile, DNR officials are enforcing stringent inspections and boat restrictions.

Price tag climbs

The barnacle-like shellfish have already tipped the biological scales in iconic Minnesota lakes such as Minnetonka, Pepin, Waconia, Gull, Leech, Cass, Pelican, Detroit, Whitefish, Miltona and Osakis. Infested rivers include the Mississippi, St. Croix, Zumbro, Pine and Minnehaha Creek.

In Mille Lacs, zebra mussels and invasive spiny waterfleas have combined to help collapse that lake’s renown as a walleye fishing destination. Property values appear to be falling as angling restrictions rise, say county assessors.

“Certainly fishing is on people’s minds when they buy here,” Aitkin County Assessor Mike Dangers said.

The base land value on the Aitkin County portion of Mille Lacs is 26 percent lower than it was a decade ago, according to property records. The downturn coincided with the U.S. recession, but Dangers said values in other parts of the county – including shoreline lots around uncontaminated Big Sandy Lake – have recovered much faster.

Patrick Welle, a natural resources economic consultant and former Bemidji State University professor, said lakeshore properties lose about 16 percent of their value when the lakes are contaminated with invasive species.

Jim Davidson of St. Paul, who owns lakeshore property in northern Wisconsin, can see the day when some cabin owners try to sell their property before reporting zebra mussel infestations to authorities.

“It’s pathetic you even think this way,” he said.


Determined hitchhikers

Zebra mussels traveled to the U.S. from the Caspian Sea region in far eastern Europe, hiding in the ballast water of ocean freighters. They first took hold in water connected to Lake Erie in 1988, multiplying and spreading rapidly across Michigan, Illinois and other Great Lakes states.

Wisconsin got the mussels in 1989, and 260 of the state’s 6,000 lakes and rivers are covered by the shellfish. Bob Wakeman of the Wisconsin DNR said the state’s roster of contaminated lakes and rivers grows an average of 12 a year.

The first Minnesota zebra mussels, besides those plucked from a buoy in Lake Superior in 1989, arrived in the Mississippi and Lake Pepin in 1992.


By 2003, zebra mussels had slingshotted north to Lake Ossawinnamakee on the edge of Breezy Point – the first Minnesota inland lake to be contaminated. Researchers believe the mussels journeyed via boat and trailer from Lake Pepin.

The DNR responded by heaving boulders into the channel between Ossawinnamakee and Kimball Lake, and treating the infested area with pesticides. But those preventive measures were called off in fall 2005 when Kimball became infested. A mere two years later, the mussels were sweeping across a latticework of regional beachheads.

Forester, the lakeshore property advocate, is among those who believe Minnesota was too lax in stopping the spread. “We could have kept them in Lake Pepin,” he said.

In addition to threatening native species, zebra mussels clog water intakes at treatment facilities, electric and nuclear power plants and private industry.

Last year, water supervisors expanded their arsenal against zebra mussels when they received health department permission to apply an EPA-approved pesticide to water supplies. The St. Paul water utility will expand its use of the chemical treatment this year, Bode said. Even though it has been judged as safe for the treatment of source water, the agency said it will take precautions to ensure that no meaningful traces of the chemical reach the city’s treatment plant.

The fight

Zebra mussels won’t kill a lake. In fact, they make the water clearer. But they deplete the productivity and diversity of fish communities.

The mussels use their sticky, elastic tentacles to attach to gravel, rocks, underwater plants, docks, swimming rafts and boat hulls. If stepped on, their bladed edges can slice open a foot.

Some lakes may be less at risk of infestation because of water chemistry, exposure to sunlight or currents. Once established, though, the mussels gobble the nutrients from water they filter at the rate of 1 liter per mussel per day. The nutrients are essential to the livelihood of smaller, native organisms and forage fish in a lake, which in turn are the food supply of larger fish like walleye.

“A simple way to look at it is that they take out the base of the food web,” said Mike McCartney, lead zebra mussel researcher at the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center. “People should be freaked out a little.”

The mussels reproduce at an alarming rate. A single female zebra mussel can produce a half billion adult offspring in her lifetime. In three to five years, beds of adult mollusks often coat bottom areas of a lake or river.

McCartney and a cohort of DNR experts say fighting the mussels is not a lost cause. Research should be accelerated, they say, because – as bad as the state’s infestation is – fewer than 5 percent of Minnesota lakes are currently contaminated.

Watercraft inspections will remain critical, McCartney said, as will improved detection methods and more pesticide trials. If there’s good news, it’s that the tiny invaders aren’t spreading as fast in Minnesota as they are in less-vigilant states.

Efforts to eradicate them, however, have so far proven fruitless and costly.

Joe Schneider, a resident of Christmas Lake in the west metro, witnessed the resiliency of zebra mussels in 2014, when a trio of lethal toxicants seemed to snuff out an isolated colony of the mussels during a DNR trial not far from his house. The $60,000 experiment ended when the creatures reappeared outside the kill zone.

“It’s literally like a cancer,” said Schneider, who favors an intensified fight against the mussels for the sake of other Minnesota lakes.

Christmas Lake residents now pay $80,000 a year, privately, to keep out other invasive species and to prevent the outward movement of zebra mussels. Their money underwrites long hours of boat and trailer inspections at the Christmas Lake boat ramp.

At a U.S. Geological Survey center in La Crosse, Wis., federal zebra mussel researchers Jim Luoma and Chris Merkes are experimenting with other poisons and gene warfare. They say public pressure for a scientific solution keeps funding alive.

“We do what Congress wants us to do,” Merkes said.

DNA tracking

At the U, supercomputers have been enlisted to identify the most frequent overland paths traveled by genetically distinct clusters of the mollusks.

Groups of mussels with matching genotypes have been found in the Brainerd-Nisswa area, while other zebra mussel families have contaminated pockets of lakes around Detroit Lakes and Alexandria.

Becca Nash of the U’s Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center said the findings call for more efforts to block the spread of mussels within regions. The same research, she said, is disproving theories that Mille Lacs and Prior Lake are “super spreaders.” In the surprising case of Mille Lacs – highly trafficked by transient fishing boats – its unique strain of zebra mussels has never been found in another lake.

“It makes us think that boat inspections and decontamination are working,” Nash said.

Counties and lake associations also are taking a more aggressive role in preventing their spread, changing the state’s boating culture in the process.

In the past three years alone, the number of trained, publicly funded inspectors has increased tenfold to more than 1,100 with the help of state money allocated to counties.

“Once you lose the balance of a healthy lake, you never get it back,” said Rima Smith-Keprios, who heads zebra mussel prevention in Cass County, where lakes tourism is a $100 million-a-year industry. “People around here are concerned. We don’t want to be like Mille Lacs.”

At some lakes, preventive efforts occur all day, every day. As boaters approach launch ramps on Roosevelt and Ten Mile lakes in Cass County, their movement sets off an electronic eye. While a video camera rolls, a voice greets the boaters and reminds them to clean and drain their equipment.

“Some of the reactions are priceless,” said Smith-Keprios.

The digital sentries belong to a growing AIS-prevention movement that melds volunteerism, the passion of lake associations, county leadership, DNR expertise and $10 million a year in state funding.

As the third-largest recipient of the money, Cass County this year will receive $510,000 – enough to employ 32 seasonal boat inspectors, up from seven in 2014.

The initiative has sparked new education efforts, encouraged new pilot projects with lake associations, paid for portable decontamination units and greatly boosted the number of trained watercraft inspectors.

Last September, for example, Cass County, the DNR, the Army Corps of Engineers and Muskies Inc. collaborated to require 500 participants in the three-day Frank Schneider Jr. Annual Muskie Tournament to turn in signed inspection cards before dipping their boats into local waters.

To minimize possible zebra mussel movement, contestants also agreed to fish within one of four lake zones in areas supported with decontamination services and well-staffed by inspectors.

“We still have pristine lakes and they should be shielded,” Smith-Keprios said.

Buying time


Even though zebra mussels start off microscopic, they can grow up to 1 ½ inches. With females producing hundreds of thousands of eggs per year, these colonies can grow big enough to take over an environment.

MARK BOSWELL • Star Tribune

Officials and residents in Hubbard County, including those in its largest city, Park Rapids, dreaded the economic peril posed by zebra mussels to the county’s 250 lakes.

An auditor’s report estimates that 60 percent of total taxable land value in Hubbard County derives from lake property. And in the county’s top seven tax-generating townships, 70 to 87 percent of property value is lake-related.

The data prompted widespread support for a prevention campaign financed by $500,000 in donations from area lake associations and townships. Additionally, residents volunteered to inspect watercraft and educate the public. State taxpayers pay to keep the program going.

Hubbard County now is a rare bright spot in Minnesota, with all of its lakes free of the Big Four invasive species in the state: zebra mussels, spiny waterfleas, starry stonewort (thick algae) and Eurasian watermilfoil.

“The economy here depends on water quality,” said Ken Grob, who founded the coalition.

McCartney, the U researcher, said people tend to disregard control efforts such as these, believing that an all-out spread of zebra mussels is inevitable. But so far, he said, efforts like those in Hubbard County and elsewhere appear to be working.

Keegan Lund, an aquatic invasive species specialist with the DNR, said that while attempts continue to limit the expansion of zebra mussels, chemicals hold some promise in the fight against further infestations.

The state’s biggest poisoning was launched late last year in a 29-acre area of Lake Minnewashta in Carver County. A copper chemical was unloaded on the bay last fall, seemingly killing the target. Surveillance this year will tell whether the mussels regroup.

“There’s very little experience around the country at controlling them … so we’re basically writing the book,” Lund said.

DNA sequencing of the mussel’s genome could also accelerate the development of genetic and biological agents that might prevent or eliminate the mussels altogether.

“That’s why it’s important for us to slow it down,” said John Ringle, director of environmental services in Cass County. “We’re buying time.”

Up north, on the shores of Lake Winnibigoshish, resort owner Rooney acknowledged that a lot of people ask whether his lake will end up like Mille Lacs. He holds out hope that Lake Winnie’s sandy bottom will provide fewer hard surfaces for zebra mussels to attach themselves.

Still, Rooney cringed this winter at his first encounter with the lake’s new invader.

While ice-fishing for walleyes, he reeled up a Chinese mystery snail, a harmless crustacean commonly found in the lake.

The snail was caked with young zebra mussels.

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Camp Tanadoona Open House on October 3rd

Our good neighbors at Camp Tanadoona are having an Open House on October 3rd and YOU’RE INVITED… Here are the details:

Wednesday, October 3
4:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Program begins at 5:30 p.m.
Location: Tanadoona (3300 Tanadoona Drive, Excelsior)

Stop in to see and hear how this vision is coming to life – and how you can contribute!

View the plans for a NEW Community & Dining Center
Meet the architects behind the nature-inspired design
Connect with Camp Fire Minnesota leadership
Take a tour… see for yourself how special Tanadoona is!

A brief program will take place at 5:30 with remarks from Mayor Laufenburger, Chanhassen Mayor; Marnie Wells, Camp Fire Minnesota CEO; and Shawn Wischmeier, Camp Fire Minnesota Board President and Lake Minnewashta neighbor.

Special guests:

Denny Laufenburger, Chanhassen Mayor
Tammy Magney, Magney Architecture
Bob Gardner, Gardner Builders

We invite you ask questions and share how you can help bring this vision to life!

Light snacks and drinks are provided; thanks to North Mallow for providing a specialty s’mores station.

This event is geared toward adults. Children are welcome and can participate in nature-based activities led by our staff.

Please register by clicking on the link below. They’ll send a reminder email before the event. Click on this link

Contact us with any questions, email Jessica Ayers-Bean at

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