Did You Lose a Pontoon Boat???

Hey Lake Minnewashta users. Did you lose a Pontoon boat? This washed boat up on the beach over by 3331 Shore Drive on the North side of Lake Minnewashta

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Zebra Mussel DNA Confirmed in Lake Minnewashta

On June 28th, 2018, a lone adult zebra mussel was found at the Pleasant Acres Homeowners Association launch area. It was in about 4 feet of water, inside the HOA’s dock system, within 100 feet of shore. No other mussels were found after a broader lake search was completed. Follow this link for more information: Click Here

Water samples were taken at the Pleasant Acres Launch, the public access launch and at the end of Red Cedar Point. Testing was performed and the public access sample was clean. Unfortunately, zebra mussel DNA was detected on samples taken from Pleasant Acres and Red Cedar Point. Further sampling was done to look for veligers (zebra mussel babies) and one was found. This indicates the likely presence of reproducing mussels somewhere in the main body of the lake.

At this point there is no action we can take until we find the colony of reproducing zebra mussels in the lake. We will ask that lakeshore property owners help by checking for zebra mussels on their docks & water related equipment, and along their shorelines, especially near Pleasant Acres and Red Cedar Point. Turning over rocks and looking on other hard surfaces is important. Use a mask/snorkel or SCUBA equipment, if you have it, to look broadly. Anything suspicious should be photographed and that image sent to Drew Dickhart, Carver County Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator at adickhart@co.carver.mn.us for verification. Please refer to this link for more information and pictures: Click here

We will give a further update as we get more information.

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Plant for pollinators this fall

We may be headed into fall colors, cooler weather, and less daylight, but gardening doesn’t have to be all about preparing our garden beds for winter. There is still time to add native plants to your landscape to provide food and habitat for pollinators like bees and butterflies next spring and summer. Fall is actually a wonderful time to plant native plants to give them a head start on the next growing season.

Why do we recommend planting native plants for pollinators? Native plants are well suited to Minnesota’s environment and growing season, which means they typically don’t need much water or fertilizer to do well. Talk about low maintenance! They also typically have long roots that prevent erosion by anchoring the soil and filter pollutants from stormwater runoff. This means that native plants do a great job at keeping our lakes, streams and wetlands clean.

The fact that many native plants also attract pollinators is a win-win, as butterflies, bees and other pollinators are important for food production and healthy ecosystems. As they hop from plant to plant, pollinators help ensure the reproduction of plants that supply the foods we (and other animals) eat, the flowers we enjoy, and the medicine we need to treat illnesses. Unfortunately, we are seeing fewer bees, butterflies and other pollinators because of habitat loss, invasive species, diseases and parasites, chemical use, and climate change. While these are big problems, we can all do our part by planting native plants that improve water quality and support pollinators. As more people take action, the bigger the benefit!

When selecting plants, be sure to pick plants that will do well in your soil and sun conditions. And, if you have the space, choose a variety of plants that bloom at different times of the year to provide a continuous supply of food for pollinators (and gorgeous color in your landscape) throughout the spring, summer, and fall. Check out Blue Thumb’s plant finder for ideas: http://www.blue-thumb.org/plants/.

You can generally plant native pollinator plants until about mid-October (our average ground freeze is mid-November), which provides the plants a head start on the next growing season. After planting, continue to water the plants until the ground freezes to help the roots get established. Once spring comes around, the roots will continue to grow as soon as the ground thaws, giving the plants a head start on any spring transplants.

The cooler weather doesn’t have to stop you from getting out and adding beauty and function to your yard. We hope you have fun adding some new plants to your garden that will support pollinators while also improving water quality. Learn more at www.minnehahacreek.org/education.

An online version of this article can be found at https://www.minnehahacreek.org/blog/provide-pollinators-fall. Thanks to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District for the contents of this article.

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Master Water Stewards Information Session on September 11th at Enki Brewing

Master Water Stewards Information Session
5:30pm – 6:30pm, September 11, 2018
Enki Brewing, Victoria

If you love your local lake or creek, you can help keep it clean by becoming a Master Water Steward! The program, which trains people how to protect local waters from pollution, is currently accepting applicants. The Master Water Steward training includes a six-session course from October through April that is taught by industry professionals. Following the training, stewards build projects in their neighborhoods that prevent polluted stormwater runoff from entering our waters. To qualify for the program, applicants must live in a participating watershed district and attend an information session. Kevin Zahler, a Lake Minnewashta resident and LMPA board member, currently serves as our lake’s Master Water Steward but he can always use more help in supporting the needs of the lake.

To learn more, join the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and the Freshwater Society at an information session at Enki Brewing, 1495 Steiger Lake Lane, Victoria on Tuesday, September 11 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm.

For more details, visit www.masterwaterstewards.org or contact MCWD Education and Engagement Coordinator Darren Lochner at 952-641-4524 or dlochner@minnehahacreek.org

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5 Tips for Keeping Our Neighborhood Waters Clean

Watershed, Raingardens, Native Gardens

Storm drains allow stormwater runoff to flow to local lakes and rivers untreated, taking with it any pollutants, debris, and litter in its path. Stormwater runoff from both urban and rural landscapes create issues for waters in our watershed, particularly Minnehaha Creek, meaning everyone can make a difference in keeping these important natural resources clean.

Here are 5 tips that you and your neighbors can commit to:

1. Adopt a storm drain: While most cities street sweep in the fall and spring, debris flows to storm drains all summer long. By cleaning storm drains regularly, you can stop organic matter (like leaves, pine needles, and tree seeds) and litter from entering lakes and streams. Consider talking with you neighbors and organizing a neighborhood-wide storm drain cleaning to have an even bigger impact!

2. Pick up pet waste: Pet waste harbors harmful bacteria that can be washed off lawns and down storm drains directly to lakes and rivers. Immediately picking up pet waste and disposing of it in the trash means it won’t runoff, and it keeps your yard and your neighbors’ yards looking clean and fresh.

3. Sweep up grass clippings and fertilizer: When you mow your lawn (aim for mowing your grass 3 inches or higher), take a few extra minutes to sweep or blow grass clippings off the street, sidewalk, and driveway back into your lawn. Similarly, if you use lawn fertilizer, be sure to sweep up any extra that may have spilled. Doing so ensures it won’t wash down the storm drain during the next rain.

4. Water your lawn wisely: If we have a dry spell and you decide to water your lawn or garden, try to set your sprinkler or hose to ensure that water isn’t hitting hard surfaces like the street, sidewalk, or driveway. Not only will this keep water soaking into the ground, it’ll save you money on your water bill too!

5. Take your car to the car wash: While washing your car at home may be fun, all that soapy water running down the driveway drains directly to our local lakes and rivers. Water used at established car washes gets treated before it enters lakes and rivers so our waters stay healthier.

Thanks to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District for this information.

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Lone Zebra Mussel Discovered in Lake Minnewashta at Pleasant Acres Assocation Beach/Launch

Carver County Water Management Organization
600 East 4th Street, Chaska, MN 55318
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Andrew Dickhart

Invasive species specialists with the Carver County Water Management Organization (CCWMO) and Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) confirmed the presence of a single adult zebra mussel in Lake Minnewashta during a zebra mussel survey on Thursday, June 28th. Snorkelers spotted the lone zebra mussel about a hundred feet from shore in a sandy-bottom area of the lake near a private water access. Scuba-divers with the MN Department of Natural Resources also joined the survey effort by scanning the lake bottom in areas with greater depths, but only the one invasive zebra mussel was found.

Zebra mussels were first discovered in Lake Minnewashta in 2016 and again in 2017 at the public boat launch at Lake Minnewashta Regional Park. Thanks to MCWD’s and CCMWO’s aggressive aquatic invasive species monitoring programs, the mussels were discovered early enough both times for rapid response treatment to take place.

County and Watershed District staff will continue conducting surveys and utilize new techniques that monitor for zebra mussel larvae and presence of zebra mussel DNA to determine if populations are present in other areas of the lake.
Lakeshore property owners can help by checking for zebra mussels on their docks & water related equipment, and along their shorelines.

This is a reminder to boaters and anglers to follow Minnesota laws to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species:
• Clean aquatic plants and animals from watercraft, trailers, and equipment.
• Drain all water by removing drain plugs and keep drain plugs out while transporting
• Dispose of unwanted bait in the trash

EDIT: Please launch your watercraft only though the Lake Minnewashta County Park where inspections are performed to prevent the spread of invasive species.

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