City of Chanhassen Declares Lake Minnewashta a Slow-No Wake Zone Until Further Notice

City of Chanhassen officials have declared Lake Minnewashta a SLOW-NO WAKE zone due to high water levels leading to the strong potential of shoreline damage. Please do not drive your watercraft at speeds fast enough to create a wake, typically 5 MPH. We will provide an update when the lake levels have receded enough to lift the Slow/No Wake restrictions.

Questions should be directed to City Manager Todd Gerhardt at (952) 227-1119 or via email at

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Spring 2019 Curly Leaf Pondweed Weed Treatment Performed

As reported earlier, a team of people from Carver County and the LMPA have performed one of two planned weed surveys on Lake Minnewashta. The first was to determine the concentration of Curly Leaf Pondweed (CLP) around the lake. That survey occurred on May 13, 2019. The second survey for Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) will occur later in June. The survey indicated the heaviest concentrations of CLP to be on the north side of the lake in both the north bay and northeast bay. Other areas of the lake indicate much lower amounts.

Our plans to reduce the impact of the growing weeds include two treatment periods. Curly Leaf Pondweed was treated, as in previous years, with the chemical Diquat, an EPA and DNR approved chemical for this use. Treatments are 150′ or more from shore. Treatments inside 150′ are the responsibility of the property owner. 

A treatment of 22 total acres was done on May 23rd when only Curly Leaf Pondweed is actively growing. The area treated is highlighted in light blue below.

A second lake-wide vegetation survey, this time looking for Eurasian Water Milfoil, will be performed later in June. Based on that survey, a treatment area will be selected and treatment applied. Watch for more information on that activity here.

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Notice of Upcoming Aquatic Invasive Plant Treatments


As part of its ongoing effort to preserve and improve the water quality and recreational enjoyment of Lake Minnewashta for all, the LMPA is planning to treat Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS), (in the case, plants) again this year. We wish to keep all of you well informed and this is Notice that we will be treating various areas of Lake Minnewashta for AIS in 2019.

We have already performed one of two planned weed surveys on the lake, the first was to determine the concentration of Curly Leaf Pondweed (CLP) around the lake. That survey occurred on May 13, 2019 and was performed by Carver County. The second survey for Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) will occur later in June.

Our plans to reduce the impact of the growing weeds include two treatment periods. Treatments are 150′ or more from shore. Treatments inside 150′ are the responsibility of the property owner.

Curly Leaf Pondweed will be targeted, as in previous years, with the chemical Diquat, an EPA and DNR approved chemical for this use. This treatment will be done early this spring when only Curly Leaf Pondweed is actively growing, prior to May 24th. The survey has indicated the heaviest concentrations of CLP to be on the North side of the lake in both the north bay and northeast bay. Other areas of the lake indicate much lower amounts. Therefore, the CLP treatments will be in that area including in some cases closer than 150’ from shore.

Eurasian Water Milfoil will be targeted for for treatment later this spring with the product Chinook which includes both Aquathol K and 2,4-D. This is an EPA and DNR approved product has also been very effective in the past and has also resulted in a reduction of the areas needing treatment. Treatment areas will be determined by June’s weed survey.

Float signs will be placed in the affected areas when these treatments are made. There are very few water use restrictions with these chemicals, but property owners should take note of the information on the float signs if treatment is done in their area. For more information, please contact us.

Property owners have a right to refuse treatment if it is within 150′ of your shore. If you have a concern with treatment closer than 150’ from your shore, please contact us immediately by email at Please include your property address so we can avoid coming closer than 150’.

The cost of these treatments is funded by the generous donations of about 90 LMPA members and is an important step in maintaining the superior water quality that we all enjoy. If you are a lakeshore property owner or a fan of the lake and don’t already belong, please consider joining LMPA and help by providing a donation to support this important program. More information can be found on our web site.

Thank you for your consideration and support!

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Lake Minnewashta July 4th Celebration T-shirts

Wear Your Neighborhood Spirit

Lake Minnewashta Acrostic T-Shirts!

Order now for your Fourth of July Celebrations!


Available in youth through adult sizes.

Tell your friends and neighbors!   

All proceeds benefit the Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association

Deadline to Order:  June 7, 2019

    Please like us on Facebook:    Lake Minnewashta Fourth of July Event

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LMPA to Donate $10,000 to help Carver County fund AIS Inspections at Regional Park

The LMPA board recently found out about a 40% reduction in the amount of money Carver County has budgeted to fund incoming watercraft Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) inspections at their Lake Minnewashta Regional Park public boat launch. These inspections are funded by a cost sharing agreement between Carver County (using money granted to the County by Minnesota’s Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Aid) and the MCWD.  We asked the county commissioners and the MCWD directors to help fill this funding gap. Many of you joined the LMPA board by sending emails to the county commissioners and the watershed district board asking for action to address their shortfall. With the approval of the vast majority of last year’s donors who responded to our survey, we offered up to $10,000 of the $14,000 needed for 2019 in the event that these two entities would not step up and help completely. 

Well, the watershed district board rejected our request for help, saying they have turned their attention away from this kind of work and instead are focusing on large scale capital projects to improve water quality. The County commissioners gave our plight a one month reprieve and at last week’s board meeting, appeared to agree that it was not fair for homeowners to have to provide funding for their work. In the end, however, they voted 3 to 2 to take our money.  Our commissioner Tom Workman and fellow commissioner Randy Maluchnick voted in our favor. We thanked them for their votes and suggest you do the same. We also took for home services, who we would like to thank.

The bad news is that $10,000 of our money will be redirected to bail out the County. This money had been donated to reduce the level of invasive weeds and maintain a reserve fund for rapid response to a new AIS discovery. The good news is that the County will implement the same AIS inspection plan as we had in 2018. They will need to come up with $4,000 from somewhere but they have several months before that bill is due. We will keep the pressure on them to make sure that they are doing whatever is necessary to protect our lake. Scot Lacek, LMPA vice president, has even offered several innovative ideas for them to pursue.

The sad truth is that, now more than ever, we need your donations to fund our 2019 efforts.  Although 2018 was our best year ever in terms of the number of donors, only 90 of you donated despite there being over 150 homes directly on the lake and many, many more off the lake with access to it. For those who choose not to donate, aren’t you interested in preserving your investment by keeping the lake at a high quality level? If you disagree with chemical treatment of the lake’s invasive weeds, why not direct your donation specifically to incoming inspections or AIS rapid response reserves?

Please send your tax deductible check to:   LMPA, PO Box 304, Excelsior, MN 55331, or contribute using Paypal at Please take advantage of matching funds from your employer. The LMPA is a 501c3 organization and your donations are tax deductible. Smokey the Bear used to say “only you can prevent forest fires”. The same might be said for preventing the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species into Lake MInnewashta. Won’t you help?

Steve Gunther
president, LMPA   

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Visit Camp Tanadoona on April 27th!

They have a big day planned at Tanadoona on Saturday, April 27! Join them for one (or all!) of the following:

Tanadoona Volunteer Day | 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Bring your family, co-workers and friends to help protect the natural beauty of Tanadoona! Volunteers will help get camp ready for summer through a variety of projects like cleaning, raking, painting, and more!  

Summer Camp Open House | 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

New or returning families… Do you have questions about sessions you haven’t tried yet? Drop in for tours, get your questions answered, and enjoy seasonal camp activities!

Family Camping 101 | Saturday, April 27, 4 p.m. – Sunday, April 28, 2 p.m.

As summer approaches, help your family become more comfortable and confident for a family camping trip! At this campout, families will build and cook over a fire, learn how to set up a tent, get your outdoor survival questions answered, and more!

Learn more/Register
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