Carver County, U of M Landscape Arboretum and City of Chanhassen are pleased to announce work has begun on the construction of a 2- mile segment of the Hwy 5 Regional Trail. The project lies between Minnewashta Parkway and Century Boulevard in Chanhassen on the south side of Hwy 5.
This trail project removes a trail gap in the trail system, connecting the existing trail and box culvert at Minnewashta Parkway and the U of M Landscape Arboretum to existing trails at Century Blvd. Completing this gap provides trail connections between the local trail systems of Chanhassen and Victoria, connecting over 100 miles of trail. Additionally, regional trail connections are made to the U of M Landscape Arboretum, Carver Park Reserve and regional trails of Hwy 5 and Lake Minnetonka.
The trail will traverse across the grounds of the Arboretum which includes crossing a wetland on the south side of Hwy 5 with a boardwalk before reaching upland areas as the trail approaches the Arboretum’s entrance building and crossing Arboretum Drive. From there, the trail continues easterly behind the pine trees that front along Hwy 5, passes in front of the historic apple tree research plots and behind the Arboretum’s monument sign in the southwest quadrant of the Hwy 41 and Hwy 5 intersection. At Hwy 41, the trail will go underneath this roadway and connect with grounds of Lifetime. Here the trail will parallel Hwy 5 heading east until reaching existing trails at Century Blvd.
Work underway includes significant grading south of the intersection of Minnewashta Parkway and Highway 5, creating the trail connection between the existing box culvert at Minnewashta Parkway and the location of the boardwalk which crosses a large wetland. Other noticeable work includes sheet pile driving which is needed to construct the underpass at Highway 41.
Site grading and work on retaining walls is expected to continue into late fall. Construction of the boardwalk is planned during the winter of 2021. Construction of the underpass at Hwy 41 is planned for spring of 2021, trail paving is to occur during spring/summer 2021 with the project being substantially completed by end of July 2021.
For more information and to follow the project view the website.
Drive carefully in the construction zones.