Thank you to all Lake Minnewashta financial contributors! It appears we have Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) and Curly Leaf Pondweed (CLP) under control for this season.
Annual vegetation surveys are conducted for both CLP and EWM followed by treatment where necessary. Our May 31, 2020 posting describes our CLP effort this year.
In the most recent invasive weed survey, we only found one EWM plant (not very large) on the entire lake. We found a few plants that we think are native Northern Milfoil but they might also be hybrids. Either way, currently they do not seem to be a nuisance. Therefore, we may not be treating EWM this year pending the results of one last survey!!
Many factors affect the growth of Eurasian watermilfoil in Lake Minnewashta including:
- Treatment the previous year, defined by number of acres, dose, size of treatment sites, shape of treatment sites and location of sites (some sites are more likely to contribute spread throughout the lake).
- Treatment in the same year for CLP may affect EWM growth. The chemical we used (Dibrox) to control the CLP may have suppressed EWM growth.
- Weather
- Water level
- Water clarity
Over 20 years of invasive weed management on Lake Minnewashta, LMPA’s efforts have been successful in keeping aquatic invasive plants under control. The key has been a continuous effort over the years. The board and contributors have made it possible to have a long term plan and implementation.
Thanks again for all of your efforts and continued support for the health of Lake Minnewashta. Please remember the importance of CLEAN DRAIN DRY of all watercraft, trailers, and water-related equipment before leaving any water access or shoreland.