Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) are plants, animals and diseases that do not naturally occur in our waters and may cause harm to the environment, the economy, human health or natural resources. Invasive aquatic plants are plants that have been introduced into the United States from other parts of the world that have adapted to growing in, around or near water. Native species are sometimes considered invasive if they colonize a site rapidly and eliminate the chance for plant biodiversity.
What we can all do, take the pledge below and report any findings!

Pledge to protect Minnesota waters
Pledge to protect Minnesota waters from aquatic invasive species. These AIS are plants, animals and diseases that do not naturally occur in our waters and may cause harm to the environment, the economy, human health or natural resources. Your pledge demonstrates your commitment and care to prevent the spread of AIS in Minnesota. Take the pledge.
Aquatic invasive species found in Carver County, 1 through 6 below are in and around Lake Minnewashta
- Zebra Mussel
- Eurasian Water Milfoil
- Curly Leaf Pondweed
- Purple Loosestrife
- Common Carp
- Reed Canary Grass
- Flowering Rush
- Brittle Naiad
If you find an AIS report it to Kevin Zahler from the LMPA or below.
Kevin Zahler at 612-618-9817
Andrew Dickhart 952-361-1871
Invasive aquatic animals in Minnesota, we need to watch for these