Enjoying Minnesota’s lakes and rivers by paddle or motorboat is a
wonderful privilege. That privilege comes with serious responsibilities.
Fun boating is safe boating, so please follow these Top Five Boating Tips

  • Wear your life jacket and make sure children wear theirs.
  • Stay sober. Booze and boating don’t mix. Alcohol is the #1 factor in
    boating fatalities.
  • Tell a friend. Tell someone where you’re going and when you will
    be back. If you’re not back, they should call 911. Bring a phone or
    VHF radio.
  • Be weather aware. Don’t let a storm sneak up on you — delay your
    trip or head to shore. Go slow in rough water to avoid capsizing.
  • Boat smart. Take a boating safety course. Know your boat; stay
    alert while scanning for dangers; stay seated and low in the boat to
    prevent falls overboard.
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