Decontamination Service Available at Lake Waconia for Watercraft Infested with Aquatic Invasive Species

unnamed-12A decontamination unit to combat aquatic invasive species (AIS) is available at Lake Waconia’s Northeast public access.

Those who have been turned away from a public accesses because an aquatic invasive species (AIS) was found in their watercraft can use this decontamination unit to clean their boat or equipment. It’s a voluntary process but according to state law, watercraft found with AIS must be decontaminated before launching. The decontamination process depends on the type of AIS found and the type of boat. It generally involves spraying the watercraft with hot water to remove attached AIS, and possibly flushing the outside and inside of the boat.

The unit will be available during the 2016 season Mondays through Thursdays from 4:00pm to 7:00pm and Fridays through Sundays from 6:00am to 7:00pm.

Visit this page for a  VIDEO on how decontamination units work.


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