Lake Minnewashta Water Level at 0.47 Feet Above the Highest Level Ever Recorded – No Wake Restriction Continues

PER TERRY JEFFERY….”The “zero” elevation is 942.87 meaning the lake level right now is 946.13 feet.  To put this into perspective this is 1.63 feet above the Ordinary High Water mark (944.5), 1.33 feet above the 100 year flood elevation (944.80) and 0.47 foot above the highest known water elevation.  We will have an internal discussion but it is my feeling that the no-wake should remain in effect until we are below the 100 year elevation.  This is the elevation that triggers the Lake Susan and Lotus Lake wake restrictions.  I do not feel it necessary to wait until we are at the OHW. This is a snippet from the DNR expedited no-wake approvals. ”



Here is the release:

The Commissioner of Natural Resources has approved an expedited and extended approval for Counties, Cities and Towns to enact slow no-wake zones.

Due to the high water issues across the state….local government units (LGU’s) are being allowed to enact water surface use ordinances as outlined in the attached document (up to 30 days).  LGU’s have primary responsibility to communicate and enforce the existence of slow-no wake (SNW) ordinances.  To minimize impacts to water related tourism and businesses, the LGU has the ability design the SNW to protect the shoreline while allowing for normal recreation further out in the lake/river.

Questions?  After reviewing this document, contact Margaret Bergsrud of MN DNR Boat and Water Safety at 651-259-5400

Thanks again,

Terry Jeffery | Water Resources Coordinator

City of Chanhassen | Engineering Department

7700 Market Boulevard | Chanhassen, MN 55317

DESK 952.227.1168 | MAIN 952.227.1160


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