Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association Newsletter Spring 2014


Here are some important updates on things happening around Lake Minnewashta

NO WAKE! We are experiencing near record high water levels. While we have not been able to declare the lake a No Wake Zone, please be considerate and slow down to prevent erosion of your neighbor’s land. Many neighbors are experiencing waves washing over their land and eroding it away. In case you don’t know them, here are the rules:

Sec. 6-48. Operation near shoreline.

Operation of motorized watercraft within 100 feet of any shoreline shall be limited to emerging straight out from and straight towards the shoreline, or slow-no wake operation. Operation of personal watercraft within 150 feet of any shoreline shall be limited to emerging straight out from and straight towards the shoreline, or slow-no wake operation.


Zebra Mussel Infestations continue to spread in nearby Lake Minnetonka. Nearly every bay has seen evidence of zebra mussel infestations. With no known remedy, this invasive nuisance is expected to continue to spread rapidly. Once established, zebra mussels spread rapidly, litter beaches with their sharp shells, damage boats and equipment, and alter the food chain of local lakes, rivers and streams. If our lake is infested, your recreational use of the lake and your property values may be degraded.
To date, there have been no confirmed sightings of zebra mussels in Lake Minnewashta.Thanks to funds from Carver County, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, the DNR and the LMPA, we enjoyed 100% incoming watercraft inspections at the Lake Minnewashta Regional Park in 2013. These inspectors educated and trained hundreds of boaters on how to prevent the spread of invasive species. As a result of that inspection, two boats were turned away that had Zebra Mussels on them. Without these inspections the boats would have entered the lake and potentially infested it.

Use a Permitted Lake Service Provider: When choosing a firm to install or remove your docks and lifts, be sure to use a lake service provider that is lawfully permitted by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR). The MN DNR’s mandatory training program was enacted by the State of Minnesota in 2011 to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS). It applies to all hired providers that install or remove water-related equipment (boats, docks, boat lifts, or other structures) from Minnesota bodies of water. You can verify a provider’s certification status by contacting the MN DNR or 651-259-5100.

DON’T MOVE A MUSSEL…Don’t buy a lift, dock or watercraft or rent a boat trailer that has been in Lake Minnetonka or other known infested waters. You could be guilty of spreading Aquatic Invasive Species into Lake Minnewashta, spoiling our lake and being subject to a large fine.

Aquatic Invasive Species Watercraft Inspections are planned at Lake Minnewashta Regional Park. With matching financial support from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD), our Carver County Commissioners unanimously voted to again direct the hiring of full time watercraft inspectors at our regional park. All watercraft entering the lake are required to pass an inspection during normal park hours before being allowed to launch. Even lake shore residents and Association members who have direct, private access to the lake must have their watercraft inspected before they launch their watercraft. Please comply with this request so we can assure that we do not introduce this very toxic invasive species into our lake. Special thanks to Carver County Commissioner Tom Workman, Carver County Parks Director Marty Walsh and Eric Evenson of the MCWD for their very strong support.

Aquatic Weed Treatments are planned again this season using donations from you, our LMPA members. With your financial support in 2013 we again had excellent results. We have already received permits and grant commitments from the DNR for the 2014 season and once again hope to treat in late June. Because we received $7,000 in donations, we may have to scale back our plans unless we raise more money. Please donate what you can and we’ll spend what we receive.

Camp Tanadoona and Camp Fire is a finalist for a $500,000 grant through Twins All Star Fans Choose! The proceeds will 100% support the capital campaign at Tanadoona. It’s a voting competition, so we’re hoping you might please share the below link with your friends. People can vote once a day, per e-mail account, through July 10th. We need LOTS of people to vote – and often – to win!!! Follow the link below to cast your vote.

Board Members are needed to serve a 2 year term. Some of our current board members have completed their terms of service and have chosen not to return. We are looking for some energetic replacements willing to meet about six times per year. Contact Steve Gunther at if you are interested. And thank you to our former board members who volunteered time and energy to further the mission of the LMPA!

Keep in touch – Be sure to give us your email address so we can add you to our electronic newsletter distribution. Or check our website at And join our Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association Facebook group! Or tweet with us @lakeminnewashta.

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