Members attending:
Steve Gunther
Scott Lacek
Steve Aldritt
Helen Gunther
Rick and Judy Berland
Call to order, 7:10
- Reviewed and approved Minutes from last meeting
Discussion items;
- Income Statement/Financial Report reviewed and discussed.
- Jim Ginther is our new Treasurer
Lake Stewardship Report
- Our Zebra Mussel road show is slowing down as our interns are done and headed back to school and families. A great job to all who participated. A submission of hours for final payment will be submitted by Scott Lacek.
Coalition of Lakes update
- Currently have a logo designed for letter head as well as approved by-laws, making a entity within the community.
- Sent out letters to let it be known we are a Coalition of 8 local lakes within the Minnehaha Creek watershed district. Letters were sent to Governor Dayton, Senators, representatives, county commissioners and others.
- Have presented to the AIS task force a “pilot” plan for developing a station for decontamination and inspection, a single site to handle access from 5 launches yet to be determined. Have requested and received funding from the MCWD for the pilot project.
- Also consideration for the water runoff project will get discussion in late fall.
Membership communication/neighborhood project
- Discussed by the team leaders of Rick and Judy Berland. The Captains outreach project needs another boost. Interns may help in a door to door campaign, this still will be determined. Looking at total neighborhoods we currently have 19 and only 13 Captains.
- Decision is to set up a meeting for week of Oct 8th to go over status with the captains.
- Communication – the updates are on the website
Fall picnic – Helen Gunther will work on setting up a meeting to determine a place and a date.
Other matters:
- Future Board meetings will be held April thru October on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
- Should we develop a Logo?
Next meeting Oct. 16th @ 7:00 at the Gunther’s house, 3628 Hickory Road
M/S/A to adjourn
Adjourn 8:30 pm