At its meeting last night, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) Board of Managers approved the District’s 2013 budget and set the 2013 levy. As explained in previous Splash updates, the budget and levy includes an additional $250,000 for enhanced stop-gap measures to prevent the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS). The additional money, which would raise the District’s levy by about three percent to $7,992,006, is contingent on Board approval of an enhanced AIS stop-gap plan by December. The MCWD’s current AIS stop-gap measures include cost-share funding for inspectors, educational materials and public awareness activities.
The decision to provide additional resources for AIS prevention is in response to considerable public input on the issue. The Board recognizes that without adequate funding in 2013, AIS could spread to un-infested waters in the District. The District’s levy, including the increase for enhanced AIS stop-gap measures, equates to about $3/month in taxes on a median value home in the District. |