2023 LMPA Runoff Buffer/Rain Garden Installation Grants Available

NO SWEAT!!! The 2023 LMPA Runoff Buffer and/or Rain Garden Installation grant program is now available to all residents within the Minnewashta watershed (see map below). Lake side or residential lot, all are welcome! Help us clean stormwater flowing to the Lake Minnewashta watershed and street drains! End result is a completed project on your property supervised and installed by others! Metro Blooms will project manage and supervise the installation on your property.

GREAT OPPORTUNTIY TO INSTALL A BEAUTIFUL ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PROJECT IN YOUR YARD AT A LOW COST!! (A very rough estimate for a qualified $3000 to $4000 project (250 FT2 to 500 FT2) could cost the resident approximately half the total cost)

This is a time sensitive offer and limited to the first three applicants.

The Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association (LMPA) in coordination with Carver County Soil & Water Conservation District (CSWCD) along with Metro Blooms and Conservation Corp Minnesota (CCM) will provide grants and technical assistance for residential rainwater runoff projects (for approved projects). Eligible area is the Lake Minnewashta Watershed area bounded by highway 7 on the north, highway 5 on the south, highway 41 on the east and Rolling Acres Road on the west, see attached map. The basic concept is to design and install a 250 FT2 to 500 FT2 runoff project on your property. Runoff projects can consist of rain gardens and/or berms that retain water from running into the storm sewer system or waterways, therefore, draining through soil and native vegetation filtration. Benefits are in preventing phosphorus, nitrogen, and chlorides from entering waterways, resulting in less algae development and better water quality for a natural habitat.

There are several grants possible associated to this program:

  1. LMPA will provide an upfront grant of $710 to cover the cost for Metro Blooms to provide consultation, design, estimate and assist in filling out the CSWCD application.
  2. CCM will provide a labor crew for installing qualified/approved projects including area preparation, removal of unneeded sod, etc. and installation of all new materials.
  3. Resident is also eligible for an additional grant that would include the cost of materials and project management by Metro Booms. This grant is through CSWCD where they can provide grant money. This requires CSWCD Board approval and resident agreeing to a 10 year maintenance agreement. Click HERE for information.

Interested parties should contact the following, with approval from LMPA and CSWCD, Metro Blooms will then assist with consultation, design and filling in the application. 

Seth Ristow – sristow@co.carver.mn.us, Resource Conservation Technician, CSWCD 

Kevin Zahler – kjzahler@hotmail.com, Master Water Steward, LMPA

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