May 22 2012 Board Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the May 22, 2012 LMPA Board Meeting.
Attendees: Judy Berland, Helen Gunther, Eileen Sternard, Steve Aldritt, Jim Ginther, Steve Gunther, Scot Lacek, Keith Paap
Approval of last meeting’s minutes (All)
- No meeting minutes were presented.
Financial report (Steve Gunther)
- The current balance of funds in our Beacon Bank Money Market account totals $16,539.65 as of 4/30/12.
- We have been awarded grants from the DNR for two projects thanks to the efforts of Scot Lacek:
- A Zebra Mussel Awareness campaign – Up to $7,424 for reimbursement of expenses incurred.
- Invasive Aquatic Plant treatment – Up to $6,000 for reimbursement of expenses incurred for our 2012 AIS treatments.
- While we have a good balance of funds in our account, we decided to do a much larger than normal treatment of invasive weeds this season. Therefore we agreed that an outreach for donations would be required to replenish our funds for 2013.
ACTION: Steve Gunther to work with Scot Lacek to include our newsletter and donation request in an electronic blast planned for early June as part of the Awareness Grant
ACTION: Scot Lacek to drive the mailing of our newsletter and donation request as part of the Awareness Grant.
Lake Stewardship report
Zebra Mussel Awareness Plan update (Scot Lacek)
- Scot gave a verbal update to the status of our Awareness Plan.
ACTION: Two interns will be hired to take on the duties of the plan under the direction of Scot Lacek.
Weed treatment update (Pete Plucinak)
- Pete was unable to attend the meeting but reported prior that our permit to treat is in process and should be completed by late May.
- Approval for treatment of a total of 40 acres was requested, the most ever
- Weed treatment is to be scheduled with Lake Restoration for early June
ACTION: Pete Plucinak to drive issuance of permit and completion of weed treatment
Lake Management Plan update (Paul Quarberg and Pete Plucinak)
- Former LMP leaders Paul Quarberg or Pete Plucinak were not in attendance.
- Jim Ginther volunteered to take the lead on this project.
ACTION: Steve Gunther to ask Paul Quarberg and Pete Plucinak to coordinate the knowledge transfer to Jim
Coalition of Lake Associations update (Steve Gunther/Steve Aldritt)
- A group has been assembled from to develop a West Metro Coalition of Lake Associations and one kickoff meeting held
- Next session is planned for Tuesday June 19th.
Neighborhood captain organization status (TBD)
- Judy Berland suggested that her husband Rick was willing to serve in the leadership role for Neighborhood Captains
ACTION: Steve Gunther to confirm with Rick and ask Dave Peterjohn to coordinate the knowledge transfer to him
Communication and Education
- No new input
Social Activities
- No new input
Administrative Activities
2012 Annual Meeting Recap (Steve Gunther)
- Steve briefly recapped the results of the annual meeting.
- We were disappointed in the small turnout at the meeting with only 12-15 non board members attending.
- We were successful in raising over $800 in donations with the use of the Square credit card processing device provided by Helen Gunther.
- A lot of very good dialogue occurred, revolving around the coming Aquatic Invasive Species threats and other similar topics.
ACTION: Presentations by Steve Gunther (LMPA president) and Heidi Wolf (DNR) will be posted on the LMPA website
New Business
Election of Officers for 2012
- The duties and responsibilities of the Officers of the board were reviewed and discussed.
- No candidates stepped forward to serve in these positions so the election of officers was deferred until the May 2012 board meeting.
ACTION: Attendees were urged to reach out to potential board and officer candidates and invite them to the next board meeting.
Date, time and place for next meeting
- Tuesday or Wednesday June 19th or 20th was proposed