Arboretum plans to move their main entrance and Apple House to Minnewashta Parkway and Highway 5 intersection.

Join us for an open house to learn more about planned improvements at the Arboretum. As a part of the Arboretum Area Transportation Plan, the Arboretum’s main entrance will move west to a four-way intersection with traffic lights at Minnewashta Parkway to increase safety and ease traffic congestion on State Hwy 5. This is planned to improve safety and access for drivers approaching Hwy 5 from Minnewashta Parkway, as well as access for visitors to the Arboretum.
Date and Time
4:30-6:30 p.m. Thursday, May 26
MacMillan Auditorium, Oswald Visitor Center
This meeting is free and open to the public. Let the gatehouse know that you’re attending the meeting when you arrive at the Arboretum.