Why join the LMPA or renew my LMPA membership?
Being a member of the LMPA demonstrates your commitment to helping keep Lake Minnewashta beautiful and its waters clean. Importantly, your participation allows our organization to have a greater “voice” with key funding sources and decision makers such as the DNR, Carver County and other elected officials. The LMPA is the ONLY association that represents all of Lake Minnewashta and its constituents!
How much does membership cost?
We appreciate every resident is in a different situation, so we suggest the following annual membership dues/donations to support our efforts:
• $50 or more if you live off the lake and have no deeded access.
• $150 or more if you have access to the lake through an Association.
• $200 or more if you live on or have direct access to the lake.
What does my donation/membership fee go towards?
The LMPA’s annual operating budget is $17,000, with nearly 95% of our expenses directed towards invasive weed treatment in the general common-use areas. (Individual homeowners can only treat the areas surrounding their dock/shoreline). Importantly, 100% of our income is dependent upon our annual donation/membership dues, as we no longer receive matching grants from the DNR. Currently, we have raised less than half our needs ($7,775) from 32 donors, the latter representing less than 10% of the 425 potential households in the surrounding area. If we are going to develop an effective and sustainable membership organization, we need greater participation and support!
What benefits do I receive from being a member of the LMPA?
• The personal satisfaction of supporting the only organization dedicated to keeping Lake Minnewashta one of the best bodies of water in the state.
• The higher property values that come with protecting the quality of the lake.
• The continued ability to make tax-deductible contributions
• The community and friendships that are built among members of the LMPA.
• Newsletters and a website that highlight the LMPA efforts and other lake activities.
• Discounts at Midwest Watersports in Victoria.
What is the Contingency Fund and how can I help?
The Contingency Fund is money that has been reserved to respond to unanticipated events that impact the quality of our lake – most recently the 2016’s Zebra Mussel infestation. Fortunately, we had resources available to act quickly, but our fund is now depleted and we are in need of donations to rebuild it! If we have another AIS emergency, we may not be able to pay to eradicate it.
Please send this form and your tax deductible check to:
LMPA, PO Box 304, Excelsior, MN 55331,
OR Click here to donate via PayPal
Phone_____________________ Email address __________________________________
Amount enclosed for LMPA Dues $200 ___ $150 ____ $50 ___ Other $___
Additional donation to be directed to replenish the Contingency Fund $_____