LMPA Bulletin – August 25, 2016
Memo From Sam Pertz, Carver County Parks
August 25, 2016
Dear Resident,
This letter is to advise you of changes in boat access operation at Lake Minnewashta Regional Park starting on August 24, 2016 and continuing until further notice. The recent findings of zebra mussels near the Boat Access #1 (main lake access) has resulted in the deployment of water containment barriers in an attempt to eradicate zebra mussels near the ramp and out into a portion of the channel. The containment barriers needed for water treatment will prevent watercraft from entering/exiting the lake from this access.
The former boat access #2, located south of the park’s beach is open for use. We realize water levels can greatly impact the functionality of this access. Having received above average rainfall, the current water level is suitable for most watercraft.
At this time, we do not have a schedule to reopen the main lake access. We are working closely with the DNR and Minnehaha Creek Watershed District staff and will provide information as it is available. Please refer to our park webpage for updated information – specifically located on the Minnewashta Regional Park page (Public Boat Access) at http://www.co.carver.mn.us/departments/public-works/parks-recreation/parks-trails/lake-minnewashta-regional-park.
Should the treatment require a longer-term closure, coordination will be made to allow watercraft the ability to leave the lake through the primary access.
Additional information on the water treatment effort can be found through the Carver County Planning and Water Management webpage at http://www.co.carver.mn.us/departments/public-services/planning-water-management or by phone 952-361-1871, and the Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association website at https://lakeminnewashta.org.
Should you have questions about boat access operations, please contact our office at 952-466- 5250 M-F 7:30a.m. – 4:00p.m.
Sam Pertz
Parks and Trails Supervisor
Carver County Parks