PLAN TO ATTEND – Minnehaha Creek Watershed District meeting on 8/9 to hear 2013 Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Plan

On Thursday August 9th 2012, the Coalition of Minnehaha Creek Waters (CMCW of which the LMPA is a member ) will present a very broad Aquatic Invasive Species prevention proposal to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District’s Board of Managers. The Board will be asked to support the proposal and the necessary funding for it in their 2013 budget. All concerned citizens are urged to attend this meeting to listen to the proposal and voice their opinion. The detailled proposal is attached for information.
Start Time:    6:45 p.m.
Date:August 9, 2012 Meeting will be held at the Freshwater Society at 2500 Shadywood Rd, Orono, MN 55331.

CMCW 2013 AIS Prevention Plan v1 8 1 (2)

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Second zebra mussel nabbed before entering Lake Minnewashta

From the Chanhassen Villager

By Richard Crawford | 0 comments
Boat inspectors at Lake Minnewashta Regional Park in Chanhassen have kept zebra mussels from entering Lake Minnewashta on two separate occasions in the past week.
According to reports, inspector Elizabeth Gruenhagen stopped a boat from entering the lake July 31 after identifying what was believed to be a zebra mussel on a boat trailer.
The ski/wake boat was attempting to enter the lake at the county’s public access during the afternoon shift.
“Almost immediately into the inspection (the inspector) found what she originally thought was a leaf, but upon further examination was certain it was a zebra mussel,” according to county reports.
The boater was coming from Gull Lake, which is known to be infested with zebra mussels. The boater was turned away and advised to decontaminate the boat.
The sample was collected and sent to the DNR for confirmation.
Sam Pertz, of the Carver County Parks Department, notified the County Board on Aug. 7 that a second incident occurred this week, involving a boater coming from Lake Minnetonka. Pertz said in the second incident the zebra mussel was found on the boat’s prop.
Carver County is providing funding for inspection programs at Lake Minnewashta, Lake Waconia, Lake Bavaria and Reitz and Hydes lakes.
The city of Chanhassen began an inspection program this season at Lake Ann, Lake Susan and Lotus Lake.
Zebra mussels have been identified in about 90 lakes in Minnesota, including Lake Minnetonka and Prior Lake.

NOTE: Inspection costs at the Lake Minnewashta Regional Park are being split with Carver County by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. The Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association also has provided funds and outreach/educational volunteers. …steve gunther

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Highway 5 Victoria/ Chanhassen updates – Nighttime roadwork to begin August 6th

 Heads up-night time work is on the horizon west of Bavaria beginning Monday, Aug 6.

Be aware crews will be installing a pipe line west of Bavaria and working 24 hours a day Aug. 6 and 7.

Work will also be done in the intersection of Hwy 5 and Hwy 41 beginning at 8 p.m. Aug 6-9. A flagging operation in the intersection will help guide motorists through the work zone. The intersection will reopen at 5 a.m. daily.

Make sure to plan ahead and use caution during the nighttime work.

Contact Information
Kirsten Klein
MnDOT Public Affairs
Roseville, MN 55113


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Zebra mussel apparently kept out of Lake Minnewashta – Chanhassen Villager: News

A boat inspector at Lake Minnewashta Regional Park in Chanhassen may have kept a boat from transporting a zebra mussel into Lake Minnewashta t…

via Zebra mussel apparently kept out of Lake Minnewashta – Chanhassen Villager: News.

According to Sam Pertz, the acting Parks Coordinator at the Minnewashta Regional Park, the boater had been out of the water for more than 5 days and had been previously in Gull Lake. The inspector and the boater handled the situation very professionally.  The parks employee gave the boater a temporary authorization to travel and directed him to a local decontamination station. DNR employees are following up with the boater to ensure that he followed the decontamination recommendation. Excellent work by everyone involved and a potential zebra mussel infestation avoided.

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Grants available for clean water stewardship projects

Concerned about protecting our lakes, wetlands, and streams? Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) can help.  Since 1998 the MCWD has been providing  grants through the Cynthia Krieg Watershed Stewardship Fund, which supports projects that improve water quality through  community service and involvement, education, and innovation.

A healthy community is important to healthy waters and polluted stormwater runoff is the biggest water quality problem in Minnesota and across the country. In developed areas, rainwater runs off roads, parking lots and rooftops, carrying dirt, fertilizer, pesticides, and other harmful material into lakes, streams, and wetlands.

The Cynthia Krieg Stewardship Fund allows MCWD to partner with local communities, schools, civic groups, non-profit groups, and others to engage citizens in activities that protect and provide clean water.

Examples of previously funded projects include development and production of educational materials, videos, and guides; restoration projects along water bodies; holding workshops or developing training programs, and innovative demonstration projects that involve and educate the community. Funded activities must result in water quality improvement and/or greater public awareness of ways people can protect local lakes, streams, and wetlands.

Project proposals are due by September 26, 2012. Grant requests are limited to $25,000, and funded activities must take place within the boundaries of the MCWD. For more information, contact Leslie Yetka, MCWD Education Manager, at (952) 641-4524 or or visit

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Heads up-If you live on Lone Cedar Lane access to Hwy 5 will close beginning July 25.

Lone Cedar lane access to close

Lone Cedar Lane residents will no longer be able to access Highway 5 beginning at 6 p.m. that day. The closure is necessary to help ensure the safety of the residents and workers in the area.

A detour to get around this closure will use Hwy 7.

Make sure to plan ahead and follow detours.

For more details, see the project website:

For more info

Kirsten Klein
Public Affairs Coordinator


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