What can YOU do to STOP the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species?

Hire dock/boat lift installers who are DNR trained Lake Service Providers (LSP).

It’s the law! Anyone installing, removing, renting, or leasing water-related equipment in state waters must be DNR trained. The business needs a permit and the worker needs DNR certification. (DNR website: www.dnr.state.mn.us, search LSP)

Ask to see the DNR issued certificate of the LSP dock and lift worker. Businesses and workers that are properly trained will be happy to show you their credentials.

Know that watercraft and all water-related equipment can spread AIS. This includes fishing boats, jet skis, wakeboard boats, pontoons, sailboats, scuba gear, float planes, canoes, kayaks, all fishing gear, waders, docks, boat lifts, tools, trailers, and waterfowl hunting gear.

Learn to identify each aquatic invasive (zebra mussels, Eurasian watermilfoil, spiny water fleas, rusty crayfish, etc.) Watch for any new AIS infestations that may allow quicker and more effective treatment options. Be aware of AIS not currently in MN but considered a threat such as hydrilla or northern snakehead. (DNR website, search aquatic invasive identification)

Know which waters are designated “infested waters” in Minnesota and other states. And recognize that other lakes and rivers may also be infested and not yet designated. In all cases, take precautions when moving watercraft from lake to lake. (DNR website, search infested waters)

Educate your guests! Make sure watercraft and water-related equipment of guests arriving from other lakes/rivers (including out-of-state) are free of zebra mussels and other Aquatic Invasive Species like Eurasian watermilfoil, spiny water fleas, and Flowering Rush.

Watercraft coming from other waters should follow recommended dry times or decontamination. The best: 1400 water for 10 seconds to kill all AIS. (100thmeridian.org, search dry time estimator)

Encourage resorts/campsites/hotels to train marina employees on AIS and to use precautionary measures when working with water-related equipment arriving from other lakes and rivers. All arriving watercraft and water-related equipment needs to be free of AIS – Cleaned and Drained before entering the water. Water-related equipment that is Dry is less likely to spread AIS.

Public access inspection program is available for public accesses – contact the DNR for training. Be “Eyes and Ears of the Lake”. (DNR website, search watercraft inspection)

Promote good AIS relationships among your lake neighbors, the DNR AIS Specialist and law enforcement by including DNR and law enforcement as speakers during your lake association meeting. (DNR website, search aquatic invasive species contacts)

Report suspected new AIS sightings to the DNR. It’s the law!

Know current laws and follow them. Before leaving public accesses, water must be drained from all water-related equipment. All bait containers with lake water must be drained and watercraft must be transported with the plug out. (DNR website, search invasive species laws) www.dnr.state.mn.us

Click on this link for a colorful poster to use!


Produced and distributed by Minnesota Coalition of Lake Associations (MN COLA)


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Lake Minnewashta Regional Park – Boat Launch Construction

Do you have a dock or lift on Lake Minnewashta and want to launch your boat? Read on!

Connie Keller from Carver County Parks:
‘The boat landing #1  is under construction but is being opened up on the weekends for homeowners to use to get their boats into the water. It is at your own risk due to the construction. We are hoping to have the construction completed in the next couple weeks weather permitting. If you have a boat being delivered by a dealer and the dealer is only available to come out during the week,  you will need to contact us on the date and we will see if the construction workers can accommodate them”

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Volunteer Opportunity at Carver Park on June 13th

Brush Stacking at Carver Park Reserve, Victoria MN

NEEDED: 150 Volunteers, 16 Volunteer Supervisors. June 13, 2015, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm

Join Great River Greening for this project kick-off event to help restore oak woodlands at Carver Park Reserve in the west Metro. Known for its vast diversity of wildlife, Carver Park Reserve is struggling with buckthorn, an invasive shrub which threatens new tree growth and crowds out native shrubs, flowers, and grasses. Help us haul and stack buckthorn to ensure that biodiversity continues to thrive at this beautiful site!

If you are interested in registering for this event or would like more information, please visit our website at http://www.greatrivergreening.org/vol-events/. If you have any questions about the event, feel free to contact Cari Monroe at intern@greatrivergreening.org or Great River Greening’s Volunteer and Outreach Manager, Jen Kader, who can be reached by email at jkader@greatrivergreening.org or by phone at 651-655-9500 ext. 11.

Great River Greening

This project is made possible with support from Three Rivers Park District, Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, Minnesota Outdoor Heritage Fund.

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2015 Ice Out Date Declared as April 1st

We’re not sure who does the OFFICIAL declaration when the ice is out of the lake but UNOFFICIALLY it occurred on April 1, 2015 according to Helen Gunther.

In case you’re curious, here’s a history since 1989 thanks to the record keeping of longtime resident Bill Haugh and others. On average, the Ice Out date is April 7th so we’re a little earlier this year, probably due to the lack of snow.

Lake Minnewashta Ice Out Date History

Lake Minnewashta Ice Out Date History

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AIS Workshop next Friday, April 10th

Dear Friend,

The Lake Minnetonka Conservation District, in partnership with the Three Rivers Park District and other West Metro AIS Coordinating Committee organizations, are coordinating an AIS Workshop next Friday, April 10th. Further details are summarized below:

West Metro Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Workshop

Friday, April 10, 2015, 1-4 PM

French Regional Park, Visitor Center

12605 Rockford Road, Plymouth MN Directions

This workshop includes brief updates on current AIS management practices by staff from Carver County, Hennepin County, the Initiative Foundation, Lake Minnetonka Conservation District, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, MN Department of Natural Resources, Three Rivers Park District, and University of Minnesota. Presentations will be followed by a round table discussion of the issues currently facing lakes in the western metropolitan area. The workshop is free and open to the public. Please share this message with others who may be interested.

Space is limited. To reserve your space, call 763.559.6700 by Wednesday, April 8. For questions regarding the workshop, please feel free to contact John Barten at (763) 763-6941 or JBarten@threeriversparkdistrict.org.

Hosted by: Three Rivers Park District (in conjunction with West Metro AIS Coordinating Committee).

See you there,

Jeff Forester
Executive Director
Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates (MLR)

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Carver County Parks Commission Board seeking new members

Is anyone interested in serving on the Carver Park Commissions board? It is really important that someone from Lake Minnewashta be on the board since one of the major Carver parks is on our lake. Here are links for more information. Nominations should be in by Monday January 5th, 2015.

Read the 12/10/14 minutes for info on topics of interest.     http://www.co.carver.mn.us/departments/PW/parks/parks_commission.asp

Here is the page with the links to apply. http://www.co.carver.mn.us/county_government/committees.asp

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