Special Offer for Lake Minnewashta Residents – 10% Off Whitefish Gallery Products

Many of you who attended the Lake Minnewashta Annual Meeting and Fall Picnic were treated to free merchandise from Whitefish Gallery. These included Tritan Co-Polyester drinkware  and bamboo cutting boards, all laser engraved with a map of Lake Minnewashta. Tom Knauer, owner of Whitefish Gallery, has graciously opened his entire catalog of items to us at a 10% discount. Contact Tom at giftworks@centurylink.net or at 952-217-5129 to place an order. The catalog is attached below.



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Camp Fire Wine and Whiskey Tasting event on Thursday October 22

Our neighbors at Camp Tanadoona​ are hosting a Wine and Whiskey Tasting event on Thursday October 22. It’s a lot of fun and all our proceeds support the Camp Fire Kids!
Click on the link below for more information.




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Removing or Moving Watercraft, Docks and Lifts? Read On!

This is the time of year that we must remove docks, lifts, swim rafts and other water related equipment. Make sure that any service provider you use has a permit from the MN DNR to deal with water related equipment. If you are doing the work yourself and find any unusual looking plant or mussel, contact your local MN DNR office or the LMPA at info@lakeminnewashta.org.  Leave the specimen in place if possible. And if it is not possible to leave the specimen in place, then put it in a zip lock baggie, take note of where you found it, and call the closest MN DNR office for confirmation.

Also note that all water related equipment, by law, must be out of water on the shore for a full 21 days before it is moved, so make sure to comply if you are buying or selling a dock, swim raft, boat lift or other lake-related equipment.



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Aquatic Invasive Species – A New Invasive Arrives – Starry Stonewort

In late August the MN DNR listed two connected lakes in Stearns County, Lake Koronis and Mud Lake, as infested with a new aquatic invasive species, Starry Stonewort. It is perhaps the most destructive “plant” now in the state. Starry stonewort is actually an algae, and grows in thick stringy matts in depths from 2 feet to 20 feet. It will overpower even eurasian watermilfoil, fills in bass and panfish spawning beds, and makes it nearly impossible to use a lake recreationally – boats have a hard time getting through the stringy mats.

Even small fragments of the plant can start an infestation elsewhere, and the starry stonewort was growing all around the DNR access on Lake Koronis. It is impossible to get a boat in or out of the lake without churning through this pest, picking up these fragments. MLR immediately called for closure of this access site, but the MN DNR stalled, claiming that Minnesota has a long history of providing lake access.

The central question became what is the resource that the MN DNR must protect, access to lakes or the health of those lakes – the resource. The Stearns County Commissioners, the local lake association, and even a local resort owner all called for closure of the access until a mitigation plan could be executed. MLR urged closure at the AIS Advisory Committee meeting. Finally the MN DNR decided to close the access, and try to treat the infestation to reduce the risk of spread.

Don’t allow this to happen in Lake Minnewashta. Our lake protection protocol requires that all watercraft be inserted at the Carver County Parks boat launch before launching. This serves as an opportunity to educate everyone on the hazards of AIS as well as offers protection against allowing new infestations into our lake. The LMPA continues to support and applaud the collaboration of the DNR, the Carver County Parks, our county commissioners and our lake users at making this happen.



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2015 LMPA Annual Meeting Highlights

A small but energetic crowd gathered at Camp Tanadoona on Sunday, 9/27/15. We enjoyed a delicious pot luck dinner and heard the story of Christmas Lake’s Zebra Mussel infestation and subsequent actions from Joe Shneider, their Association president. Steve Gunther, the LMPA president, offered a summary of the highlights and concerns for the 2015 season. and suggested actions from the LMPA members. The full presentation is posted below for more information.

The Highlights:

  • No Zebra Mussel infestations occurred in our lake
  • Carver County and the Watershed District continue to improve their AIS prevention support
  • Lake resident monitors have been deployed to improve alert of a Zebra Mussel infestation
  • State and local money is available and flowing to projects that will improve water quality
  • Aquatic invasive weed levels continue to improve
  • Good communication among our neighbors

The Concerns

  • The threat of new and more devastating invasive species continues
  • We have holes in our AIS prevention system
  • Lake Quality Rating has degraded LMPA
  • Donor participation numbers are shrinking
  • We are one careless or uneducated lake user away from changing our lake quality forever

What We’d Like from You

  • Do your part to help us meet our mission to keep Lake Minnewashta beautiful and to preserve its water quality
  • Use a Permitted Lake Service Provider when working on your shore
  • Don’t move a mussel from infested lakes via watercraft, toys or lifts
  • Clean Drain and Dry your boat before and after launching
  • Plant a shoreline buffer strip and use available grant money to help
  • Keep debris out of the storm drains, especially leaves
  • Register your email address on our website https://lakeminnewashta.org
  • Volunteer for a committee, neighborhood captain or the board
  • Make a tax-deductible donation tonight

2015 Lake Minnewashta Annual Mtg slides FINAL

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LMPA Board Meeting scheduled for 9/24 at 7PM

This is an open invitation to anyone interested in attending our Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association board of directors meeting. Our next meeting is set for Thursday September 24th at 7PM. It will be held at Steve and Helen Gunther’s home at 3628 Hickory Road.

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