Zebra Mussel Update

On June 15th, representatives from Carver County, the MCWD, and the DNR coordinated a post treatment lake-wide zebra mussel survey on Lake Minnewashta. Snorkelers and SCUBA divers surveyed about 8 areas around the lake including the bay where the public access is located. No zebra mussels were found in the main portion of the lake, however, we did find one single live zebra mussel near the access about 20 feet out from the dock on a rock. There really is no way to tell if the mussel is a remnant from last year that survived the treatment or if it is a new introduction.

At this point, we don’t think further treatment action is warranted, but we will continue monitoring. We will keep the Lake Association updated on subsequent monitoring efforts.

Drew Dickhart
Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator
Carver County Water Management Dept.

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July 4th Schedule

July 4th schedule

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New design! Order your shirts now! Tell your friends and neighbors!
Deadline for purchase is June 7, 2017
Available in youth through adult sizes in Unisex, Women’s and Women’s Tanks
Visit the link below to place your order
All proceeds from shirt sales go to K.A.B.O.O.M to help pay for our fireworks!
Please like us on Facebook: Lake Minnewashta Fourth of July Event

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City of Chanhassen Draft of New “No Wake” Rules for LMPA Input


The link above leads to a draft of the revised slow-no wake ordinance that would encompass Lake Riley and Lake Minnewashta. The strikethrough amounts to deleted language from existing code. The writing in red amounts to newly proposed language or relocated language to remove redundancies. Everything else is existing language to remain. LMPA members are asked to read through the changes and email their comments to Terry Jeffrey at tjeffery@ci.chanhassen.mn.us so he can share with and address them to the Chanhassen city council.

Terry Jeffery | Water Resources Coordinator
City of Chanhassen | Engineering Department
7700 Market Boulevard | Chanhassen, MN 55317
DESK 952.227.1168 | MAIN 952.227.1160

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Recap of the 2016 LMPA Annual Meeting

About 30 hardy souls braved the brisk October weather to attend the LMPA Annual Meeting on 10/27. We welcomed several new neighbors and got reacquainted with many friends as our board president shared a stirring presentation on the state and health of the LMPA and, more importantly, the health of Lake Minnewashta. We welcomed Terry Jeffery from the City of Chanhassen as a special speaker. Terry described what the city has been doing to reduce untreated storm water runoff into the lake, an action that we hope will reduce the clarity and algae problems we have been suffering.

In the end, we ask everyone to do your part to help us meet our mission to keep Lake Minnewashta beautiful and to preserve its water quality and prevent the spread of invasive species.

1. Use a Permitted Lake Service Provider when working on your shore
2. Don’t move a mussel from infested lakes via watercraft, toys or lifts
3. Clean Drain and Dry your boat before and after launching
4. Plant a shoreline buffer strip and use available grant money to help
5. Keep debris out of the storm drains, especially leaves
6. Register your email address by clicking HERE
7. Volunteer for a committee, neighborhood captain or the board
8. Make a tax-deductible donation by mailing a check to LMPA, PO Box 304 Excelsior, MN 55331

For a copy of the presentation, click lake-minnewashta-preservation-association-annual-meeting

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This is a reminder that the Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association’s Annual Meeting is being held this Thursday, October 27th at 7PM at the Faith Lutheran Church on the corner of Minnewashta Parkway and Highway 5.

This past year has been a busy one for the LMPA, dealing with aquatic invasive species, the closing of the Minnewashta Regional Park beach due to E coli, and the discovery of zebra mussels in the lake.

Please attend the meeting so we can update you on everything the LMPA has been doing on your behalf to help preserve the quality of the lake. There will also be ideas and discussions about what you as homeowners can do to help maintain and improve the quality of the lake.

Light refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Helen Gunther at hgunther57@gmail.com. We hope to see many of you there this Thursday evening.

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