2019 LMPA Annual Meeting Recap

On November 3rd, we welcomed a crowd of over 50 interested members to the 2019 Annual Meeting of the LMPA. After a gourmet dinner of hot dogs, adult beverages,  assorted snacks, salads and desserts, Steve Gunther, president of the LMPA, shared the highlights and issues facing the Association. The full text of the presentation can be found by clicking HERE but the highlights included:

  1. 2019 was our 4th year of Zebra Mussel discoveries, this time at the Pleasant Acres Association beach (for the second year), several houses down, at the tip of Red Cedar Point and, reported at the Annual Meeting, on a boat at Minnewashta Shores. We clearly have a reproducing colony of zebra mussels in the main body of the lake. There is nothing we can do about it but report new locations of mussels as we discover them.
  2. Starry Stonewort, an invasive algae present in Medicine Lake, was discussed. We are counting on the diligence of boaters following the Clean, Drain Dry protocol and the AIS inspections at the public launch to prevent its transfer to Lake Minnewashta. Click HERE to see a video of it and other invasives. 
  3. Carver County has again requested $10,000 from the LMPA to fully fund the incoming/outgoing watercraft inspections at the Regional Park boat launch in 2020. The members rejected that request and asked that the County find a way to completely foot the bill. Steve Gunther agreed to send a letter to the County Commissioners detailing the nature of the request and declaring our position. That letter was sent on November 4th and all LMPA members were copied and asked to share their concerns with the Commissioners directly. 
  4. Financial contributions to the LMPA were strong this year with over $36,000 raised. Our Reserve, for emergency treatment of any new AIS infestations, is nearly filled. While that news is great, it’s unfortunate that only 84 homes made a contribution to the LMPA. There are many other members who benefit from our activities, both lakeshore owners and those who live off the lake but use it regularly.  We can only encourage everyone to make a contribution. A list of all of our donors can be found on our website and in the annual meeting presentation. Thank you to all donors! A special thanks to the July 4th t-shirt, parade and raffle group who raised nearly $6,000!. 
  5. High lake levels led to incidents of a Slow/No Wake status being applied on the lake. This means watercraft should move at less than 5 MPH. This is intended to prevent property damage on shoreline lots. There were many instances of violations of that rule and several tickets were handed out by the Carver County sheriff’s deputies. Chanhassen is responsible for declaring a Slow/No Wake and has developed a streamlined process for putting it on and lifting it. After public comments are completed, the DNR will be given four months to review it. Expect it to be in place in 2020
  6. Artificially large wakes caused by wake surf boats and the impact on shoreline erosion and property damage were discussed. It is unlikely that the DNR will take any action to restrict them so common courtesy would suggest that surfers enjoy their sport in the center of the lake wherever possible.
  7. The issue of loud music was also discussed. Again, courtesy should reign here…music travels much farther over water and volumes should be kept at a level to not disturb others, especially at night. The sheriff is responsible for enforcement should it get out of hand.   
  8. Recognizing that many lake users may not be familiar with rules and common boating practices and courtesies, Pete Schissel is developing Boating and Recreational Use Guidelines for our members. This will be published in time for the 2020 season. 
  9. Finally, Give to the Max Day is November 14th so please remember the LMPA when considering charity. Find the PayPal link on our website, send a check to the LMPA at Box 304, Excelsior, MN 55331 or look for us on Venmo. 
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Applications Open for the DNR Statewide AIS Advisory Committee

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has put out a request for new applicants for the DNR Statewide AIS Advisory Committee. Lake Associations are the primary stakeholders in AIS efforts because they are far more engaged in this issue than any other group. Representing lake associations on this committee is important, so if you have the time and interest, not only would you enjoy it, but would no doubt have much to benefit the group.

Here is a link to the application page where there is more information: http://survey.mn.gov/s.asp?k=157065153319&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery

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Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association (LMPA) Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Dinner Set For November 3rd at 4PM

The Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association is hosting its Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Dinner. This is a great opportunity to get together with your neighbors and meet new lake neighbors. There will be a chance to socialize and also a short meeting of the LMPA to wrap up the 2019 season and make plans for 2020. We hope you will join us.

Date: Sunday 11/3/19
Time: 4-7pm
Place: Faith Lutheran Church, Highway 5 and Minnewashta Parkway

Hot Dogs will be provided. Please bring something to share and your favorite beverage. 

4-5 PM Socialize
5-5:30 Dinner
5:30-6:30 Annual Meeting
6:30-7 Clean up and wrap up (You should be home in time to watch the Vikings!)

Please RSVP (so we have an idea how many hot dogs we need) to Helen Gunther @ hgunther57@gmail.com or 612-986-4073

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Hello Neighbors,

We need your help to maintain Minnewashta Parkway as a neighborhood and not a highway. It is a very pleasant area for walkers, runners, bikers and we need to take steps to ensure it remains a parkway for access to our homes, neighborhoods, parks, beach, arboretum and not a bypass highway for industrial use.

We encourage you to send your concerns to the following Chanhassen representatives. We have provided a draft example of the message you could send. If you like the message, then just simply copy and paste into an email and send to the addresses listed below.

In addition, please support this common cause by attending the October 28, 7 PM City Council will be meeting to discuss plans for the Minnewashta Parkway improvement project. We need your voice to be heard in written form and to attend the meeting.

GBender@ci.chanhassen.mn.us, Engineer for this project

jwedel@ci.chanhassen.mn.us, Chief Engineer

eryan@ci.chanhassen.mn.us, Mayor


Dear Chanhassen Mayor and Staff,


We need your help to save our neighborhood. We wish to maintain Minnewashta Parkway as a true parkway serving neighborhoods, walkers, runners, bikers, park visitors, beach visitors and a gateway to the Arboretum. Chanhassen is beginning a process to rebuild Minnewashta Parkway and intends to assess the parkway residents. However, the parkway is designated as a “feeder road” for highway 5 and highway 7 and a high speed bypass between the two highways. Multiple axle dump trucks and other industrial vehicles commonly use Minnewashta Parkway to avoid the stop lights on other roads such as highway 41. It is very wrong to expose a neighborhood and parkway to this kind of exposure. We should not be encouraging the use of Minnewashta Parkway as a thoroughfare for industrial vehicles. It is very puzzling on why residents of Minnewashta Parkway should assessed for the rebuild of a “highway” that has been deteriorated by industrial vehicles. On the other hand, the neighbors in the Minnewashta Parkway area absolutely would support working together for the maintenance and health of a neighborhood parkway. We are entitled to this benefit as residents, tax payers and those that will be assessed. Plus, we are being assessed also for the walk/running/bike path and we support this activity!!

This is also a great opportunity to ensure zero run off to the lake. We need to ensure all street drains are going to holding ponds for runoff control and not to the waterway. Some drains are going to the waterway, for example, drains to the creek and then to Lake Virginia, Minnetonka, Minnehaha Creek, Mississippi, Gulf of Mexico. Now is a good time to protect our water ways. We can do better and be a model for the future.

CHANHASSEN! It is time to do the right thing for the environment and your neighbors!

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Adult Zebra Mussel Found

A large adult zebra mussel was found this week on a piece of in-water equipment at 6701 Minnewashta Parkway Drew Dickhart, Carver County’s Aquatic Invasive Species manager, was here on Friday to check the site and the mussel. Drew confirmed it is a large adult. Zebra Mussel monitoring sites were checked nearby and around the lake and no other mussels have been found. The LMPA asks that all lakeshore residents check your boats, docks and lifts and report any findings to us at info@lakeminnewashta.org, even if you are not sure.

Drew said that he and the DNR will be diving the area in the very near future to check if they can find others.

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Lake Minnewashta Slow-No Wake Feedback Survey

The City of Chanhassen would like your input on establishing an approved Slow No-Wake Elevation. Through public feedback and cooperation with the Minnesota DNR, the goal is to control erosion and enhance safety at Lake MInnewashta.

We invite you to take the Slow-No Wake feedback survey at http://ci.chanhassen.mn.us/slownowakesurvey

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