Pledge to Protect Minnesota Waters

Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) are plants, animals and diseases that do not naturally occur in our waters and may cause harm to the environment, the economy, human health or natural resources. Invasive aquatic plants are plants that have been introduced into the United States from other parts of the world that have adapted to growing in, around or near water. Native species are sometimes considered invasive if they colonize a site rapidly and eliminate the chance for plant biodiversity.

What we can all do, take the pledge below and report any findings!

Pledge to protect Minnesota waters

Pledge to protect Minnesota waters from aquatic invasive species. These AIS are plants, animals and diseases that do not naturally occur in our waters and may cause harm to the environment, the economy, human health or natural resources. Your pledge demonstrates your commitment and care to prevent the spread of AIS in Minnesota. Take the pledge.

Aquatic invasive species found in Carver County, 1 through 6 below are in and around Lake Minnewashta 

  1. Zebra Mussel
  2. Eurasian Water Milfoil
  3. Curly Leaf Pondweed
  4. Purple Loosestrife
  5. Common Carp
  6. Reed Canary Grass
  7. Flowering Rush
  8. Brittle Naiad

If you find an AIS report it to Kevin Zahler from the LMPA or below.

Kevin Zahler at 612-618-9817

Andrew Dickhart 952-361-1871

Invasive aquatic animals in Minnesota, we need to watch for these

Banded mystery snails

Bighead carp

Black carp

Bloody red shrimp

Chinese mystery snails

Common carp

Faucet snail


Grass carp

New Zealand mud snail

Red swamp crayfish

Round goby


Rusty crayfish

Sea lamprey

Silver carp

Spiny waterflea

White perch

Zebra mussel


Invasive aquatic plants in Minnesota, we need to watch for these

Brazilian elodea

Brittle naiad

Curly-leaf pondweed

Eurasian watermilfoil

Flowering rush

Non-native phragmites

Non-native waterlilies

Purple loosestrife

Starry stonewort

Yellow iris

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HOLD THE DATE – LMPA ANNUAL MEETING Sunday October 29th from 4PM to 7PM

2023 LMPA Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Set for Sunday October 29th, 2023

The Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association’s annual meeting and Pot Luck Dinner is scheduled for Sunday October 29th from 4PM to 7PM at the Campfire Minnesota dining center. We will be providing hot dogs and fixings so please bring your favorite beverage and a dish to share. This is a great time to catch up and meet your neighbors and hear an update on what’s going on with Lake Minnewashta. The Camp’s address is 3300 Tanadoona Drive.

4 – 5 PM Registration and Social Hour
5 – 5:30 Dinner
5:30 – 6:30 LMPA Annual Meeting
6:30 – 7 Clean up and meeting close

So we have an idea of how many hot dogs we will need, please RSVP to Helen Gunther at or 612-986-4073

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Highway 5 & 82nd St. Projects Open House

YOU’RE INVITED September 27th at 4:30 – 6:30

Carver County and its partners are advancing several projects from the Arboretum Area Transportation Plan, a visioning study that identified transportation needs and priorities in the cities of Chaska, Chanhassen, and Victoria.

You’re invited to attend a public open house for the following projects:

  • Highway 5 from Highway 41 in Chanhassen to Downtown Victoria
  • 82nd St. from Bavaria Rd. to Highway 41 in Chaska

Highway 5 & 82nd St. Projects Public Open House

  • Time: 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
  • Date: Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2023
  • Location: Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Oswald Visitor Center, 3685 Arboretum Dr. in Chaska

Access and Parking Information

  • Attendees will be exempt from the Arboretum entrance fee
  • Please tell the gate attendant you are attending the public open house
  • After you pass the gatehouse, follow the drive to your right then turn right at the first stop sign. Park in one of the Visitor Center parking lot bays
  • The Visitor Center is the large teal building across from the parking lot

Open house attendees can expect to:

  • Review the recommended visions from the Arboretum Area Transportation Plan
  • Review the proposed design options for Highway 5 and 82nd St.
  • See the latest project schedules and funding status

Please arrive and depart at a time that’s convenient for you – there is no formal presentation. The project teams will be available for questions and comments throughout the evening.

Can’t make it to the event? Be sure to visit the Highway 5 Improvements and 82nd St. Project webpages after the public open house to learn more about each project.

More about the Highway 5 Improvements

Highway 5 improvements include expanding the highway from two to four lanes west from Highway 41 in Chanhassen to Downtown Victoria. The project also includes:

  • Intersection improvements along this stretch of Highway 5
  • Evaluation of crossing options for Lake Minnewashta
  • Reconstruction of Rolling Acres Rd. between Interlaken and 78th St.
  • Safety improvements for people walking, bicycling, and rolling including an improved crossing for the Lake Minnetonka LRT Regional Trail

Construction will begin in fall 2025. See more information and a map of the project area.

More about the 82nd St. Project

The 82nd St. Project will convert the gravel road to a two-lane, paved urban road from Highway 13/Bavaria Rd. to Highway 41 in Chaska. It will also construct a walking/bicycling trail with improved access to the Chaska Ravine Trail. Construction is anticipated to begin in fall 2024. See more information and a map of the project area.

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Arboretum Area Transportation Plan – August 2023 Update

The update is provided courtesy of Carver County Public Works

Carver County and its partners are advancing the following projects from the Arboretum Area Transportation Plan (AATP). There will be opportunities to learn more about these projects in the coming months. Some of them still need your input on what and how to build the proposed transportation improvements.

Take a moment now to get familiar with the projects in your area. See the map below for the project locations. Bookmark their websites and sign up for any emails you want to follow. Then forward this email to family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers who may also be interested in the project information.

Highway 5 Improvements

Highway 5 improvements include expanding the highway from two to four lanes west from Highway 41 to Downtown Victoria. The project also includes several intersection improvements, evaluating crossing options for the Lake Minnewashta area, and reconstructing a portion of Rolling Acres Road from south of Highway 5 to Interlaken. Rolling Acres Road improvements include the addition of roundabouts, curb, and concrete median to calm traffic and improve safety for residents and motorists. Pedestrian improvements include an improved crossing for the Lake Minnetonka LRT Regional Trail. Preliminary design and environmental review are just getting started. A public open house will be held in fall 2023. Construction is tentatively scheduled for fall 2025. 

82nd Street Project

The 82nd Street Project will complete a missing connection between Highway 13 (Bavaria Road) and Highway 41, as well as improve the local highway, pedestrian, and bicycle networks for projected area growth. The project will convert the gravel road to a two-lane, paved urban road from Highway 13 to Highway 41. It will also construct a walking/bicycling trail to connect Highway 13 and Highway 41 with improved access to the Chaska Ravine Trail. Preliminary design is underway and a public open house will be held in fall 2023. Construction is scheduled to begin in fall 2024. 

Crimson Bay Road Improvements

Crimson Bay Road safety and operational improvements are anticipated to be completed prior to Highway 5 Improvements as part of the Arboretum Area Transportation Plan. This project will permanently close access to Crimson Bay Road from Highway 5 and extend Crimson Bay Road to the north to connect with Dogwood Road and West 78th Street. Improvements will also include storm, sanitary, and water service upgrades. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2024.

Victoria Downtown West Project 

The City of Victoria recently began the design process for improvements to the intersection of Highway 5 and Highway 11 (west) and the surrounding area. This project will improve safety, traffic flow, and downtown access to support the needs of the area as it continues to grow, including the Downtown West Expansion project. The project team will be seeking community feedback on the design options over the next two years. The first public open house is tentatively scheduled for fall 2023. Construction is anticipated to take place in 2025.

Project locations map.
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MN COLA Builds Consensus for Passage of  Watercraft Operator License bill 

Thanks to the Minnesota Coalition of Lake Associations (MN COLA) for this article. The LMPA is a dues paying member of MN COLA and individuals can read more and join by clicking HERE.

The Minnesota Legislature in the 2023 session expanded Minnesota’s existing Boater  Education Program to all boat operators aged 12 and up, born on or after July 1, 1987. Minnesota’s  previous boater education requirement was for youth (ages 12-17). 

A watercraft operator’s license has been a cornerstone of MN COLA’s Legislative  Agenda for years. MN COLA’s consensus building throughout the water community  over numerous legislative sessions helped make this law reality.  


The MN DNR will be establishing a working group to create and implement the program.  The program will cover core safety education in the areas of waterway rules, user  conflict reduction, and towing responsibility. It will also provide important lake ecology  education on preventing the spread of AIS and understanding how excessive wake  height and powerful propeller thrust can negatively impact shoreline erosion, lake  bottom habitat, and water quality—all of which are pressing issues for most lakeshore  owners. The required boater operator education will help calibrate all Minnesota  boaters’ knowledge with  current information and research, and increase the likelihood that users operate their  watercraft in an informed, responsible, and respectful manner.

The requirement is phased in and effective: 

• July 1, 2025, if born on or after July 1, 2004; 

• July 1, 2026, if born on or after July 1, 2000; 

• July 1, 2027, if born on or after July 1, 1996; 

• July 1, 2028, if born on or after July 1, 1987. 

Other details of the requirement include: 

• Boats with a 25hp or less do not require Boater Education and Certification to  operate; 

• Youth Boaters (ages 12-17) limited to 75 hp motors; 

• Watercraft owner is responsible for operation of watercraft; 

• Rental business requirements which include administering a “short boater safety  exam” to operators without a MN certification; 

• Program can be administered electronically or on paper.

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Having Problems with Geese? The LMPA can help!

With the geese population growing, a runoff management installation at your lake shore could be a solution and at an extremely low cost! Beautiful runoff management installations are typically at lakes edge and, once established, geese do not like to cross them. Plus, they improve the health of the lake by preventing runoff directly to the lake. Grass clippings in the runoff to the lake result in phosphorus and leads to algae. A runoff installation filters the water before it enters the lake. This is a way to kill two aggressors with one stone!

NO SWEAT!!!! Runoff Buffer and/or Rain Garden Installation grant program available to all residents within the Minnewashta watershed, area bounded by highway 7 on the north, highway 5 on the south, highway 41 on the east and Rolling Acres Road on the west, see the map below. Lake side or residential lot, all are welcome! Help us clean stormwater flowing to the Lake Minnewashta watershed and street drains! The end result is a completed project on your property supervised and installed by others!

GREAT OPPORTUNTIY TO INSTALL A BEAUTIFUL ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PROJECT IN YOUR YARD AT A VERY LOW COST!! A qualified $3000 to $4000 project of 250 to 500 square feet could cost the resident only $300 to $600!!!!

We have a collection of potential grants involved in this opportunity and we thank all our partners for their help and cooperation. After the initial LMPA grant, all other grants are on a reimbursement basis.

****** This is a time sensitive offer and limited to the first three applicants. ******

  • The Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association (LMPA), will provide an upfront grant of $710 to cover the cost for Metro Blooms to provide consultation, design, estimate and assist in filling out the CSWCD application and City of Chanhassen LID application. ONLY TWO GRANTS REMAIN!
  • The Carver County Soil & Water Conservation District (CSWCD), will provide an additional grant that would include the cost of materials and project management by Metro Blooms. This grant money is provided as part of their Shoreline Habitat Program (LINK). This requires CSWCD Board approval and resident agreeing to a 10-year maintenance agreement.
  • The City of Chanhassen Low Impact Development grants (LINK) is for Chanhassen residents who are eligible for a grant of 50% on actual costs up to $2000.
  • Metro Blooms,, provides initial design, estimate and applications completion. Metro Blooms also provides all materials, project management and installation supervision after projects are approved by CSWCD and City of Chanhassen
  • The Conservation Corp Minnesota (CCM) provides installation supervised by Metro Blooms.

After project approval by LMPA, CSWCD and the City of Chanhassen, the resident will pay all expenses and then provide receipts for reimbursement for each approved grant.

Interested parties should contact Kevin and Seth to apply. Upon approval from LMPA and CSWCD, Metro Blooms will then assist with consultation, design and filling in the applications. 

Kevin Zahler –, Master Water Steward, LMPA

Seth Ristow –, Resource Conservation Technician, CSWCD 

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