LMPA Board Meeting – Thursday July 14th at 7PM at the Gunther’s – 3628 Hickory Road

You’re invited to attend the LMPA Board Meeting – Thursday July 14th at 7PM at the Gunther’s – 3628 Hickory Road


I. Call to order:

II. Approval of minutes
Review/approval of last meeting minutes (Steve G/All)

III. Resident input on agenda items

IV. Reports:
Financial Update including fundraising and budget (Jim)
Weed treatment status (Scot)
CMCW update (Steve A)
Neighborhood Captains (Scot)
Communications (Steve G)

V. Unfinished Business:
Groundwater management (Rick)

VI. New Business
2016 Focus items discussion
2016 Calendar (All)
July 4th recap
How to address Algae levels in the lake
Election of new officers (All)

VII. Adjourn

Steve Gunther

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