Zebra Mussel Update

On June 15th, representatives from Carver County, the MCWD, and the DNR coordinated a post treatment lake-wide zebra mussel survey on Lake Minnewashta. Snorkelers and SCUBA divers surveyed about 8 areas around the lake including the bay where the public access is located. No zebra mussels were found in the main portion of the lake, however, we did find one single live zebra mussel near the access about 20 feet out from the dock on a rock. There really is no way to tell if the mussel is a remnant from last year that survived the treatment or if it is a new introduction.

At this point, we don’t think further treatment action is warranted, but we will continue monitoring. We will keep the Lake Association updated on subsequent monitoring efforts.

Drew Dickhart
Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator
Carver County Water Management Dept.

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