This is a reminder that the Lake Minnewashta Preservation Association’s Annual Meeting is being held this Thursday, October 27th at 7PM at the Faith Lutheran Church on the corner of Minnewashta Parkway and Highway 5.

This past year has been a busy one for the LMPA, dealing with aquatic invasive species, the closing of the Minnewashta Regional Park beach due to E coli, and the discovery of zebra mussels in the lake.

Please attend the meeting so we can update you on everything the LMPA has been doing on your behalf to help preserve the quality of the lake. There will also be ideas and discussions about what you as homeowners can do to help maintain and improve the quality of the lake.

Light refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Helen Gunther at hgunther57@gmail.com. We hope to see many of you there this Thursday evening.

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